She called me a b**ch


She called me a b**ch

17 0
just be like "thanks for the compliment, you are one too
don't listen to her you are amazing
You should say'Aw man...I wasn't aware that I was a mirror'
she's the real b----
tell a adult and say "ya can't call probably what u are"
just don't listen to her and tell the teacher (yes I know I might sound like a tattle teller but it's the best you can do) (I would have called something back but that would just make it worse:))
She's explaining herself
you are not a b**ch! you are awesome! she is the b**ch!!!
Don't listen to her! She is totally ignorant to who you are. Don't worry, we all think you're beautiful. Btw does that girl have Pic Collage? I could talk to her if you like❤️
you should say "thanks for the compliment." you shouldn't let that get to you.
show her this: (ง ಠ ͟ل͜ ಠ )ง