I feel like my collages are getting lame. Do you think I need to work on them?


I feel like my collages are getting lame. Do you think I need to work on them?

12 0
NO WAY!! u only started a couple days or weeks a go...don't say their lame!! their not! don't worry you'll get WAY WAY WAY better!!!💕😍
thank you! Sometimes I feel like they are too simple. thanks for the encouragement! your awesome!
there perfect:)
if anything, mine r lame
oh, btw, can u make me a pic?
like a profile pic
sure, hold on
okay, @MABMOO it's ready to looks
I love this❤️❤️❤️
thanks so much💗💗
your collages are the most..AWESOMELY AWESOME THINGS:) if anything mine are more lame😂
awe really? Thx:-)
and your ARE awesome
srsly? mine are lame.
no they r not