Collage by -Arianator_Forever-


39 8
none,he still ugly,the only reason why I like him is because his voice,playing the guitar,and his tattoos
am I looking at a girl or a boy...I think it's a girl but I am not shour
none I hate him he is so ugly and a bad influence,jailer
ewwwww none
bottom 💖
none ew
people saying eww or gross you don't gotta be rude about it or just don't even comment I'am a big fan of justin 😍 (no hate pls ) and you should treat him the way you want to be treated please if you see this treat him like a human being he's still one thanks and no hate just saying thanks and I would pick both because people change and that's ok 😊
Brianna, what u don't understand is that he's a drunk driver, he vandalized a hotel, and is going to the slammer
but guys that was like 2 years ago move on for crying out loud!!!!! Oh and the blond hair. And you can't stop anyone from Liking him. We have our own minds that we control you don't you do your mind!!! And if you say anything bad about me this is just a little screen that will never hurt me
and oh he never went to jail he just got arrested. Big difference Duh!!!!