I was looking at the templates and those are so weird!!!????

Hunter Stansberry

I was looking at the templates and those are so weird!!!????

3 1
lol why do u say that?
who me??
yes she's talking to u
oh lol yea I'm 14
u look 16 bye
you don't have to go....
and thanks lol
he does look 16πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
if that's a compliment... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
do I really??
yes! I thought the same thing when I first met youπŸ˜‚
yea I remember that lol
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ i wish I was
not trying to sound rude but idc if I let the bully win I don't even want to be alive. I'm just a big nobody to everyone.
can I be honest with you... I'm not popular either, I'm changing schools next year to get out of the situation I'm in rn... the only true friend I have that I can trust is Micaela...
you're a sweet girl... I would love to meet you one day and maybe the three of us can be friends!!! but please don't give up.... because if I could go back in life I would tell you that I wish I wouldn't have...
bye forever I will always be in ur hearts πŸ‘©πŸΌπŸ”«
i feel like that post was about me??
I will give u 5 mins to try to talk me out of this
but like don't hurt yourself please
was that a no??
I can't do this
to what
watch you do this to yourself
don't hurt yourself please!!
there was a girl at the school I'm going to next year who committed suicide last week. idk what it was for but my uncle is a teacher there and he knew the girl... and her family
please stay. just at least stay for me and hunter.
her family is in grief and agony... they can never replace what they had in her... and that's the same with you... you family can never replace you!!! do you really wanna do that to them?? or yourself?? don't give up on God because he won't give up on you
yea just follow us if you don't wanna follow anyone else
I'm such a pain sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry *grabs gun* now u won't have to deal with me
no please don't. please
I feel like I'm not helping at... all...
me too.
please don't do this!!!
I put the gun down.
ok πŸ˜†
oh my gosh. do u even know how much better I feel.
me too!!!
I was dead serious about to cry
I just heard u smile I smile by JB and children by JB he helps me make this choice of living
ok then listen to that song constantly!!!