Collage by basorexia


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hi momma 🫶🏼
*gets under the covers beside you, quickly coming to snuggle up to your side*
not good, but i would rather not talk about it if that’s okay *nods slightly, cuddling up to you*
*nods and lays my head on your chest, closing my eyes and mumbling* i know, thank you. i’ll talk about it soon, i promise
can we bake something yummy and then have cuddles momma?
*takes your hand and leads you to the kitchen, smiling*
*moves to hug you from the side, resting my cheek against your shoulder as I look with you* mmm… I didn’t think that far. something easy
mmmmm…. yes please *nods a little bit and kisses your cheek a few times*
snickerdoodle orrrrrr peanut butter *nods a little and gathers the measuring cups to start getting the dry ingredients ready*