or if anyone can get her drunk and to a party, i'll let you do what you want with her while she's drunk because she does anything then. plus, she promised her boyfriend she wouldn't so then they'll break up.


or if anyone can get her drunk and to a party, i'll let you do what you want with her while she's drunk because she does anything then. plus, she promised her boyfriend she wouldn't so then they'll break up.

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wait but just like 2 days ago me and her fxcked there's proof too I think still on my page
if you get her drunk (and/or) to a party you can fxck her again.
or do whatever you want to her
because if anyone can get her drunk and to a party, her boyfriend will most likely break up with her, then i can have her again. can't you just help me?
well I already did that can't u just screenshot that stuff and send it to her bf
no he's already seen it and they fought but didn't break up. you can do it all again and more if you get her drunk.
idk man why can't u
because she doesn't respond to me since her boyfriend told her not to. so i have to have other people do it.
r u sure she'll even take u back
no but i can still fxck her when i want
that's not right man
yeah it is, cmon man didn't you like it when you fxcked her?
um doesn't any person like fxcking people we were both drunk dude and I totally regret it now
still, you can do it again but do whatever you want with her this time.
no I'm not gonna ràpe her like u do
your a dīck , go straight to héll -Lele