


19 21
what do u want the roles to be
idk you pick
best friends
u start
I'm not really good at this could you start
Yea I'll start
*Calls you*
* I answer* what's up bestie
*Smiles* Nothing much bestie, hey do you wanna go to the skate park with me
I'll bring the skateboards
yah let's go
Ok, I'll be wait at the skate park
ok I'll be there soon
*starts walking*
*Waiting at skate park*
I see you *starts running*
*Hands you a skateboard*
thanks let's go
Your welcome
*Starts skateboarding*
* starts skateboarding with you*
*Does some skateboard tricks*
*does a trick and fails badly* i think I broke my leg
*I try to do a trick to get to you but I break my right arm*
we both gotta go to the hospital
we got to go
but how
you don't have a phone on you
I do do I call 911 or somebody from my contacts
Ok, call them
ok I'll call my friend Elisiya
*starts calling Elisiya*
* Elisiya picks up the phone* Elisiya I need you to come pick me and Kate up from the skate park Kate broke her arm and I broke my leg
*Looks at you* There's blood coming out of my arm
oh shît Elisiya we are bleeding out come get us
*She comes*
Elisiya is coming to get us
*shes here* I don't think I can walk
*Carries you* Bestie you'll be okay
how you broke your arm oh well let's go *were in the car* go fast Elisiya
it hurts but it's worth it
ok *at the hospital* Elisiya go get a wheelchair
*Gets wheelchair*
*elisiya goes gets a wheelchair and I get in it* ok let's go I'm getting light headed I've lost a lot of blood
*I faint*
*picks you up and buts you on my lap* we are heading inside right now Kate
*A doctor comes*
* I yell at him for no reason*
*i yell at the doctor and say* get us in a room now we're bleeding out
*He looks at me*
don't just look at her get her in a fûcking room you dûmbãss
*He picks me up*
thank you
*He takes me away*
sorry for yelling at you * chuckles*
*He laughs*
*smiles* you ok
yea I'm ok
ok it's my turn
*He looks at your leg*
*gets worried* do you have to do surgery do I have to get a cast
ok let's go do this I'll be back soon Kate
*Sit in chair and sleep*
* worried face*
*gets out of surgery* wake up Kate I'm out my cast is black
*Doesn't wake up*
don't make me kick you with my cast Kate it will hurt
*You realize that I'm breathing really slow*
*You realize that I was shot by a kid cause he runs off*
ahhhh Doctor Doctor we need a doctor she was shot help *we are still in the hospital*
*The kid drives away*
I can't go anywhere I can't leave you *starts balling my eyes out* where the hèll are all the dãmn doctors
*None come*
*i take my jacket off and wrap it around where you were shot to try and stop the bleeding* come on Kate stay with me keep breathing don't close your eyes
Kate say something please say something
*starts crying and my eyeliner starts rolling down my face*
*Looks at you with tears in my eyes*
*Softly speaks* it's cold
*Cries more*
*cries really hard* Kate I won't let you go (I have to go I'm in a hard class and I'm going to lose Internet soon)
(Oh ok)
hey, can we continue the Rp
yes we can
I'll continue
*i start closing my eyes*
no keep your eyes open you have to keep your eyes open
*Opens them*
you have to stay awake
*A doctor comes*
*takes you inside the hospital* are there any doctors around here we need help my best friend was shot
*A doctor takes a pistol and shoots me in the stomach*
we need help sir she was shot by a drive by please help
*The BVB band members and the BVB Army comes in to save me*
*The doctors runs off and Andy Biersack grabs he's arm and throws him to the ground*
*i faint because Andy Biersack is here*
please Andy she was shot twice
*Andy comes back to me and holds me in his arms*
help please
*He starts singing the song "New Religion, Set The World On Fire, and Fallen Angels"*
*i start to float up in the air, I grow a pair of black wings with the BVB symbol on it*
*face in shock*
*I float back to the ground and I still got the BVB wings on my back*
what héll is going on oh my god Kate
*Looks at you confused* what do u mean
you have wings
*Gets dizzy*
*grabs you so you don't fall*
*Looks at you* Who gave me the wings
umm… Andy Biersack he saved you
How did he know that I was about to die
umm… I told him you were shot twice and then he started singing and then you grew wings
*The rest of the BVB band members walk in to see us*
*Then the whole entire BVB Army come to see us*
Kate what's going on?
*Andy looks at me and says* Kate, will you lead us into battle
*Looks at Andy* Yes I will
oh my god have fun
We need you to join the army
yea, we need your help
We stand as one and we're UNBROKEN, we will SET THE WORLD ON FIRE, we are the FALLEN ANGELS, we can say I AM BULLETPROOF
I want to faint but I'm not going to
*Theres a scream outside*
what's that?
*Flys outside and comes back with a BVB fan* She's been hurt, take care of her while I get revenge
ok what should I do
I don't know
I'll do what I can
*Flys outside with the BVB Army*
*You hear me scream*
oh my god what happen
*runs out to see what happen*
*The kid that shot me is holding me down to the ground with heavy chain*
*i bring out a huge shot gun and shoot him in the face* *pew pew*
*He falls down dead*
* run up to you and make sure your ok*
*His blood is all over me*
*wipes you off with a rag* are you ok
*yells for Andy and the others*
*Starts closing eyes*
stay awake Kate keep them eyes open
*Andy picks me up*
please help
*The BVB Army surrounds us with their BVB symbol necklaces*
*I open my eyes and starts closing them again*
what's going to happen
stay with us Kate
*He looks at you* We need more people in the BVB Army
Trust me
I trust you what's going on
We need more people to join the BVB Army so the power of the BVB Army will save her
we only have a few hours to find 100 more people to join
ok but why do I have to trust you
please just trust me
*He gives me to Jinxx*
*Andy stands tall* Kate has been injured extremely badly, we need 100 more people to join this BVB Army, go to your family and friends and find someone who will want to join this BVB Army.
I will join if I can
welcome to the army
We need 99 more people
ok I will see what I can do
*Jinxx holds me in his arms*
is she going to be ok
we don't know
ok *starts getting tears in my eyes*
*99 more people come to join*
*face in shock* where did they come from
*Andy is walking with them*
*1,000 more come*
is she going to live now
this is a good thing right
*Starts slowly opening my eyes*
*90,000 more people come to join*
*Looks around* What's going on here
umm… you were dying again and we needed a lot of people to save you
*Tears up*
don't cry
*cries with you* why are you crying
*Cries* I'm sorry you saw me dying
*hugs you* Kate it's fine
*eyeliner running down my face* Kate you have to stop crying
*Wipes tears*
*wipes my black messy face* thank you are you ok
I'm scared
why are you scared
What if some more of him come back for me
I will protect you even if it means dying
*Hugs and cries*
I'm here for you Kate *hugs you back to tight*
*Andy comes*
*Cries when I see* Andy
hey Andy
*Andy hugs us*
why you crying
Behind you
he came back to life
noo Kate watch out *jumps in front of the bullet for you*
*Screams and cries* Noooo
*falls on the ground*
*Holds you and cries*
*starts closing my eyes*
*Cries* Keep your eyes open please
*Yells for Andy*
*starting to fall asleep and won't wake up*
*closing my eyes*
*I grab a pistol and I put it up to my head*
*Andy tells me to calm down*
*speaking weakly* Kate don't do it
*trying to hold on*
*Andy tells me to not to shoot myself*
*cries* I'm trying to hold on Kate I'm really weak
*I tell Andy to help you*
*Looks at you* Keep your eyes open
*trying to keep my eyes open*
*Andy picks you*
*a tear rolls down my face*
*Wipes your tears away* you'll be okay
I promise
*closing my eyes*
*Yells at Andy cause he won't help you*
*Runs in the middle of the street so a car can hit me*
Kate get out of the street * I say weakly*
*Starts crying*
*A car hits me*
*im trying to get up* KATE!!! *i yell for Andy*
*Jinxx carries me out of the street*
*i fall in pain* Kate no
*theres blood coming out of my nose and mouth*
*Starts closing eyes*
keep you eyes open
*Opens them*
Kate stay with I'm holding on so you have to too
*I ask Andy to sing UNBROKEN and REBEL YELL*
*starts crying*
stay with me Kate *im still bleeding out f I'm the shot*
*Keeps eyes open*
*a tear rolls down my face* come on Kate be strong I know you can
it's cold
I know Kate I know
* My body start glowing red*
*Every BVB hater starts catching on fire*
*face in shock* what going on
*Every BVB haters burns to death*
this is cool
*Andy is amazed*
Andy what's going on
*He looks at you* she's the one
what do you mean she's the one
*He looks at you* She's the one that will Set The World On Fire
*Andy says* Yes
is that good
*Andy says* Yes
*I go back to normal*
Kate are you ok
Yea, what happened to me
umm I'm not really sure Andy said that your the one that will Set The World On Fire
*He looks at you*
*looks scared* was I not supposed to tell her
*Looks at you* What were you can say
what you said to Andy
what was it
I asked him if I was supposed to tell you that your the one
what do you mean I'm the one
your the one that will Set The World On Fire
I don't know what he means by that though
ask him
*walks up to Andy*
*He looks at you*
Andy what do you mean Kate is the one that will Set The World On Fire
He says "She will destroy the haters, she will protect BVB army, and she will help the broken"
*Andy walks off*
*walks back over to you*
what did he say
he said " She will destroy the haters, she will protect BVB army, and she will help the broken" that's what he said
yes you
Why me though
I don't know you'll have to ask Andy
I'll ask him
*Talks to him*
*sits down and waits*
*Comes back*
what did he say
he just told me that I'm the chosen me
I don't think he likes to explain things
I guess so
so how are you feeling
good, what about you
I'm still bleeding from the shot but it's not gushing out I'm feeling a little light headed and feel like I could pass out
*Puts my right hand on your gun shot wound and it heals up and disappears*
holy shït
how do you feel now
I'm still light headed but I lost a lot of blood but I'm feeling better
you need some rest
I think I will go and take a little nap *walks somewhere to take nap*
I'll make sure that you don't get hurt again
ok *go takes a 30 minute nap*
*you hear me scream*
*i wake up* KATE
*You see a kid stabbing me*
*i scream for Andy and run over to you and shoot the kid in the head*
*Starts coughing up a lot of blood*
*Starts to close eyes*
keep your eyes open Kate
*yells for Andy again*
*He runs towards us*
Andy help
*He says* Get the other band members and the BVB army
ok I'll try
*Andy holds me*
*Jinxx comes up to you and says* I never seen him so upset like this before
why is he upset am I missing the big picture Jinxx
If the chosen one dies there's no hope for everyone els
the war will be over if the chosen one dies
she can't die Kate can't die we have to help her
*Andy keeps holding me in his arms*
are you going to do something
*Jinxx says* we gotta do a BVB ritual to save her life
*Jinxx says* if one person messes up it'll be over and F.E.A.R will take over the world
*Everyone asks you what should they do*
*Andy doesn't leave me*
what are we going to do Andy
*A tears fall down from his face*
Andy are you ok?
*I start closing my eyes*
Andy what are we going to do
*He looks at you* We gotta do the BVB ritual
then do it
We need you in it
I don't know it
*Andy does CPR on me cause I'm about to die*
*Andy starts to cry*
*i start balling my eyes out*
*Jinxx says* everyone sing out son (Ritual) (Savior) and (I Am Bulletproof)
*Everyone sings*
*Andy holds me as he sings*
*tears in my eyes*
*It starts working*
*face in amazement*
*My wounds disappear*
*Opens my eyes fully*
how do you feel
I feel weak
you should rest
I'm scared too
*hugs you* don't t cry
*Hugs* y
because there's no need to
I almost died though
I know
*Andy asks if I'm okay*
*hugs you to make you feel safe* I'm not letting you out of my site Kate
*Hugs and cries* Thank you
*cries with you* I will take a bullet for you
*Cries harder*
*cries with you*
*Takes a gun and puts it up to my head*
*grabs the gun and puts it to my head* I told you I would take a bullet for you
I will take the bullet
no you won't *pulls the trigger*
Kate no *takes the gun from you before you pull the trigger*
*puts gun to my head and pulls the trigger and kills myself*
*Screams for you and Andy holds me back*
*falls to the ground…dead*
*a grab you and scream* no please no don't go
*Andy holds me back*
*Starts screaming for you to come back*
*doesn't move or say anything*
*Gets screaming*
*one last tear falls*
*i yell at Andy to let me go*
*still doesn't move*
*you're hears me scream and cries*
*still dead*
*Andy doesn't let go of me and I keep crying and screaming*
*You hear Andy telling me not to shoot myself*
*still on the ground*
*shoots myself and dies*
*i see you in heaven*
*Cries cause I can't find you*
*runs to you and hugs you* Kate why did you do that
*Hugs you* Cause you're my best friend
*cries and hugs you tight* I'm so luck to have you as my best friend
*Cries and hugs you back* I'm happy you're my best friend too
I had to sacrifice being the chosen one, F.E.A.R took over the world as I died in Andy's arms
oh no what's going to happen
I don't know *Tears up*
dont cry Andy will do something
Andy is really upset
he's not talking to anyone, he's not eating a lot, he's doesn't sleep well
we gotta help him, but how
what do we do
We sing the song Lost It All and if we sing the song correctly we will return to destroy F.E.A.R
*Starts singing Lost It All*
*sings with you*
*It starts working*
*face in shock*
*We return to earth but it's burning to the ground*
we need to find Andy
We need to find all of them plus the BVB army
you go left and I'll go right
ok scream if you need help
ok *i go left* Kate I found all the guys
*Does answer and you hear a gun shot off and I scream*
*runs over to you*
*Ive been shot and a kid in a hoodie runs off*
*grabs a shot gun and shoots the kid in the head and runs over to you*
*Im bleeding out fast*
somebody help
*cries with you*
*starts closing eyes*
stay with me Kate keep your eyes open
*Andy comes running with the BVB Army and the band members*
Andy do something
*He panics*
you can't panic Andy we need to save her
*He calms down*
ok good now what do we do
*He holds me in his arms*
what are you going to do
*He puts his right hand on my forehead*
*have a confused face*
*Andy says* Everyone put your hands on Kate (Me)
ok *puts my hands on your head*
*The rest of the band members and the BVB army does the same*
what's this going to do
*Andy says* Everyone sing three songs that we wrote
which ones
*Andy says*'Pick any song
*Andy starts singing*
*sings with him*
*Everyone starts singing*
*gets scared*
*Andy says* Everyone pick up the chosen (me)
*picks you up*
*Everyone plus you and the BVB band members pick me up*
*Andy says* say "If we stand together we will be unbroken" (10 times)
*looks at you and cries*
*Andy say* We gotta do it
do what
*Andy says* everyone needs to say "If we stand together we will be Unbroken" ten times
*Andy start saying it first*
*i follow behind him*
*Everyone in the BVB army and band members join us*
*stays with Andy so I don't mess up*
*I start to float up in the air and my body glows bright and while*
*confused face*
*I grow some BVB wings*
*Andy says* Say " Chosen one" ten time and put your fist in the air ten times
*Andy starts first*
*i follow behind him*
*Everyone joins in*
*a tear falls down my face-*
*The BVB appears on my black BVB wings and appears on my right hand*
*Andy say* Say it louder it's working
*says it louder*
*The buildings around us start to catch on fire*
*The ground starts shaking*
*Andy says* Keep going, don't stop
what's happening
*The BVB symbol appears on the ground on fire*
Andy what's happening
*He says* Showing the world that we don't take all the črap that's thrown at us
oh ok
will she survive
*Andy says* Yes
*I float back to the ground and I stand up*
how do you feel
good *hugs you*
*Hugs back*
I'm so glad your ok
*Andy says* What's me and the other band to have a concert right and right now
*They start playing the song In The End*
(I love that song)
(Me too)
*hugs you tight* I thought I was going to loose you
*Hugs back tight* How did I survive
I have no clue
*Looks at Andy* He's happy again
yah i know
*Smiles at Andy*
*He smiles back*
is everything going to be ok now
*Andy says* Yes
*I start fly over the BVB band members as they sing and the BVB army*
*I smile*
oh my
*Everyone watches me*
what is she doing
*Three people video tapes me flying*
why are you doing that
*I snap my right finger and everyone grows BVB wings*
*face in shock*
*I start sing New Years Day*
*face in amazement*
*Andy looks at me and smiles*
everything ok
*Andy says* Yes
*He smiles*