


1 7
Hey Mike, I'm Mhedal.
Hey you... (I smile)
*Smiles back* what's up?
(Sighs and smirks a bit) Nothing much. you?
*Shrugs* Same here...
Huh...so your the new hire? (I say grinning drunkly)
Yeah, so? *Raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms sassily*
*Raises an eyebrow* Well I got fired if you didn't know.
At least you got 50 cents more.
*Rolls eyes* I mean what did I do? I finished all the night?! then he fired me?
Guess he didn't want you to become friends with the animatronics or I don't know. *Shrugs*
*Sighs out deeply* Well hope you know what your doing new guy....
I hope I do... if you don't see me again is probably cause they killed me~
heh....well I'll probably see you "as one" if I visit sometime...if you die.
Oh, of course you'll see me~ it's not that easy getting rid of me.
right....so have you done any nights yet?
Yup, two nights. Surprisingly, Foxy almost killed me on the second.
*Chuckles quietly* Gotta keep an eye on the cove...get it? an eye? he only has one eye!
*Shakes head* You're terrible, Old man. No wonder why you've got no girlfriend
hey! I have a girlfriend! (glares)
I don't believe you~ *sticks his tongue out*
(Crosses my arms angrily) And whys that?
You look like you've been alone for a looong time~ I bet you're gay.
*Growls standing up* I AM NOT!
Hey, it wasn't an insult, I was just guessing~ *smirks, liking the fact that he can make him get angry*
*Grumbles to myself and sits back down* A**.....
I love you too~
*turns away crossing my arms* just shut up....
/Make me/
*Turns slowly back to you* Sure you want that.
*Raises an eyebrow*
*Smirks* You couldn't take a beating from me.
And how would you know?
you just "look" like you couldn't...because obviously I'm that easy to read....
Oh, I can.~
alright....*Cracks knuckles grinning*
First you have to catch me~ *starts running*
*Grins widely and jumps from the chair taking off after you*
*Running as fast as he can*
*Speeds up kinda caching up with you*
||My comment didn't post?!||
(No it didn't come)
|| oh... :C ||. Oh, F*** *Tries to run faster*
*Grins chuckling loudly and grabs the back of your shirt*
*Laughs and then tackles you*
Ehhh... I love you? *smiles slightly, clearly trying to not panic*
*Grins evilly* you said I could beat you up if I caught you right?...well I caught you.
*Shrugs* Then, beat me up. I'll enjoy it.
*Holds you down* Oh really? you like getting beat up?
Maybe... I'm used to it anyway.
*Kinda feels bad, and slowly lets go*
I'be been beaten by drunk men, so this won't really hurt me that much anyway.
*Gets off you* I'm not going to beat you up Mhedal.
*Raises an eyebrow* And why's that!
*Shrugs* I'm just not....
*Smirks slightly and stands up*
what? why are you smirking?...
I knew you had a heaaaart~
*Rolls eyes shoving you* Shut up...
I knew you couldn't be so eviiil like to beat up a 16 years old boooy~
*Hides a smile* Just shut up kid...
I won't shut up, Old Man. I know you love when I tease you.~
*grins looking away* I said I wasn't that old kid.
But you're older than me. *Smiles*
yeah. just by like seven or eight years...(smirks rolling my eyes again)
That's quite a lot...
No it's not!-.....well maybe it's a little bit....
*Suddenly becomes kind of serious* Yeah...
yeah. what is it? *Says interested and tilts my head a bit*
It is nothing-.. I-... I knew you were old, but didn't know you where /that/ old. *smirks*
(rolls eyes sighing out) Ugh shut up kid...I'm only like twenty four!
You don't know your own age?
Wh-...yeah I'm twenty-.....ish
*Raises an eyebrow* Dude...
What! I don't get the big thing about age! anyway (says age in a mocking tone)
O, there's nothing wrong. But if I kiss you and someone sees they'll think you're a pedophile~
(face turns a little pink and tilts head a little) what's that?....
(sighs) why do you always do that. (rolls eyes and mocks you) Never mind this...oh nothing! forget it Mike...(scoffs)
(did you say something it said you did but it doesn't show it)
*Rolls eyes* wanna know the stuff? I think you're hella hot, so what?
(blushes) Wh-what?....
You heard me.
(whole face is red) S-so your not joking....
No, I'm not.
(chuckles awkwardly) Th-thanks....
Yeah, it's weird, I know, a g4y teenager saying you're hot... Sorry....
um...no it's not you can't choose what you feel...
*Looks down, starting to get terribly blushed* Sorry, shouldn't have said it...
n-no it's totally fine. (smiles a little) Ok I don't want you to get creeped..out...but I may...have had a um...eh...
*Looks slightly at him* What?... had a what?
a-a...um...(blushes) crush....(covers my face trying to cover my face feeling it hot from blushing so hard
a-a crush?
(sorry, wrote it wrong. it had a "Wait..." in the beginning ^^^ )
(no problem) *Blushes more* Y-yeah...
I-in-... w-who exactly? *Not wanting to actually believe him*
Uhh....forget i said anything bud...(swallows hard)
No, no! tell me! don't do that or you'll look like an a** just like me!
your not an a**....um....eh....fine...y-you?....(blushes covering my face)
*Face getting even redder*..... oh...*says in a low, high pitched voice *
ugh....this is so awkward....(blushes not looking at you)
... I'd kiss you-... but I'm not sure if I should.
ye-yeah...I'm sorry...I'm a creep....(covers my face with my hands)
No, you're not... I mean... I like you...
(blushes and tries not to smile) Thanks....but I'm like four years older than you...
*Smirks* So you admit you're an old man~
(rolls eyes smiling) Yeah whatever...
*Laughs softly and............ kisses your cheek* That's all you'll get, Old Man..... at least for now..*mutters*
(blushes and touches my cheek) T-thanks....
*giggles slightly , then blushes when realising what a girly sound he just made*
(chuckles softly grinning)
... ahem... uhm... *glances at his watch and sighs* I don't wanna go to /that/ place... Foxy is a b***.....
yeah. just keep an eye on him and you'll do great.
*Sighs deeply and looks at him with puppy eyes* Will I be able to get a good luck kiss or are you a coward and won't do it? *pouts*
(blushes and grins looking away) Are you serious...
*Shrugs and goes back to his serious bratty face* Knew you wouldn't do it.
(blushes and walks over and kisses you)
*Blushes deeply and kisses you back*
Mmm....(full blush still kissing)
*With his hands against the other guy's chest, kissing him*
(keeps kissing him and puts head on his back)
*Moves back less than a little to take air*
(pulls away) um. sorry.
*Still bright red* You have to be sorry about nothingsweetjesusicantbelieveit
(smiles and looks down blushing)
*Covers his face, blushing like mad* I didn't think you'd do it..
well you asked...(grins)
*Looks at him* Yeah... I'm glad I did..
(blushes looking down)
*Chuckles slightly*
(smiles looking up at him) so was that good luck?...
Yeah~ I'm pretty sure I'll survive tonight. (( "Hello, came to stuff you in a suit" "shut up Freddy, I'm thinking bout Mike"))
(chuckles and blushes) May wanna get that door...
*Laughs softly* Yeah... I guess I have to go right now...
(grins and watches you)
geez, I don't wanna die! *suddenly worried face*
it's alright. just save your power. (says with a small smile) I wouldn't let them get you buddy.
*Blushes and smiles slightly*
(picks up the tablet and hands it to you. kisses you on the head smirking, and goes checking both lights)
*Blushes even more and checks the cameras* Oh faq... Bonnie already moved.
*Looks down the hall* Oh course he did. he always does.
I hate him...HE'S OUTSIDE
(quickly hits the button)
I have no idea of why I chose this job other than money! I've got freaking anxiety, gosh. *Checking quickly all the cameras*
(chuckles) It's ok calm down.
No, like seriously. I'll have a breakdown anytime soon. *Smiles nervously* Bonnie is gone. Chica moved.
(opens the door back and looks out the door checking for Chica) Well how do I deal with it if you do?.,.
Well, I'll probably just cry and hate myself. So you just have to keep on checking doors and cameras .
alright. (checks the lights)
Aaand... Foxy is looking at the camera with his ugly pirate eye...
(smirks) Just keep watching him.
Yeah, yeah...
(sighs and checks the lights again quickly) What time is it?
3 am. Chica is in the door.
what?! (quickly turns and hits the button)
That chick is quite creepy...
I know right. (sighs deeply peeking out the window at her)
*Shivers* ... by the way, thanks for staying
no problem. you cold?
Just a bit.
(takes off my blue jacket and puts it around you)
*Blushes and holds it* Thank you... HOLY BRICK, FOXY'S OUT ugh I'm stupiid!
(quickly shuts the door breathing heavy) It's fine were fine!
No! I should have checked the camera uughhh !
(chuckles) don't beat yourself up about it bud!
We could've diied! and all because I wasn't paying attention!
Shhh it's Finee!!!
Oh lord, I'm the worst... Chica's gone
(opens the door and pats you on the head) Calm down.
*Breaths in and out deeply* Okay...
(chuckles and peeks out the door) Time?...
5 am...
oh thank god. (grins and checks the other door)
*Sighs* Freddy is near..