These are all hard why did I agree to this


•Kachicka• These are all hard why did I agree to this

15 0
y'see you're the only one who isn't just putting like ten 1s and a couple of 2s
E x a c t l y I'm an intellectual stan me
no you're not you're too cold
No I'm strong minded
no you're cold.
you're cold.
I have Gloom Boys stuck in my head now
oh same now that you said it rip
Man I haven't listened to them in ages
I listened to all of Double Dare like a few weeks ago and for some reason 21 Questions was stuck in my head the other day I honestly miss them
Oh and I'm working on a video of them as well bc I've had an idea for it for like way over a year but God kńöws whén I'll fīnīsh īt łmao