Hewwo I'm James


Hewwo I'm James

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Hey um I was talking to mires and he said you think people think your scary or something. I just wanted to say I don't think your scary. like at all. your actually really adorable. erm..just wanted to say that😌😶
hehe......thanks..but everyone else does..
I'm sure people don't think you are. And if they do screw them. Their just jelly. But seriously. Your adorable alright? Don't listen to negative people.
hehe thanks...that's really sweet of you...your not like all these other boys are you?
depends on what you mean by "other boys"
all the ones who are scared of me..
I'm not scared of you James. I promise
*looks down and covers my face*are you sure...?
*uncovers your face* I'm not scared of anything. except flying beetles. those are just creepy. but nope I'm not scared of you. your too cute to be scared of. plus there nothing to be scared of
my face..and then I'm a flying beetle...*looks down*im ugly...
you are not a flying beetle. those only exist where I live and there small. you are not ugly and you have nothing to be conscious of *lifts your fave up with my finger* chin up butter cup. no body can see your handsome face if it's down
I'm not handsome...I got beat up at school because oh my makeup
in my eyes you are. that's terrible. but you know what. you gotta keep your head up. and then after that sock those b****es in the mouth. aim right inbetween their bottom nose and lip. that will sun them the most. I promise. take it from a guy who had to fight back everyday
I can't fight...
That's what everyone says. But have you tried? It's simple. make a fist and match that to their face and BAM. That's practically fighting. You'll get the hang of it. I promise
...I'm small...skinny...and weak..no..I can't fight...I'm ugly and I look like a beetle. •-• merp...
Yor height doesn't matter. I know a girl whose 4'7 and is on varsity volleyball and is the best player on the team. You may be weak now but if you keep at it you'll gain muscle. Yes. You. Can. Fight. you are most certainly not ugly. and your not a beetle. I said I was scared of beetles that fly. and your not a beetle last time I checked.
....I feel like a beetle...
your not a small black beetle with wings and antenna and have sting ray things.
I don't sting ...
you're cute💕am theo👋🏼who do you like to cosplay as the most?
Hewwo I'm James💕aime and cartoons or just cute animals and stuff
awe my bestfriend cosplays a lot
and thanks for calling me cute but am really not...