Collage by SM_paris


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idc I just did this anyway 😂
reposted it
alsooo are you paris-lovr? (wait did I spell that right?)
11 <3 (well technically I am 10 3/4 cuz my b day is in July r.i.p)
where do you live (if you don’t mind me asking :p)? im in California so rn it’s 6:42 in the evening. do you count your time as military time (like vilde does) or regular time (like me)?
cuz she counts hers like 21:18 and it’s kinda confusing 😂
3 hrs ahead of meh
im so bored :P and I still have homework (are you kidding?!) so oof.
wow I just realized it must be 3 in the morning for vilde and 2 in the morning for Laura .-.
oof. I normally don’t study cuz I’m lazy (well my mom forces me to study if it’s math cuz she’s knows I’m bad at it oof)
hahaha yeah that’s true tho
i just wake up at 3 sometimes idk why so I just go on pc 😂