18 and constantly on something


18 and constantly on something

13 1
hi I’m Caitlin
nice to meet you and rad name. how are you, Peter?
hey I'm marci
aha, that’s pretty cool. I’m laying in bed and it’s 5:32am for me. I should be sleeping, aha.
I’m from England, so I have a british accent
my accent is not that good 🤠
nice meeting you peter, how are you X
and same here
hm, it’s not hot at all.
are you American?
oo, I want America accent. they’re so cool
what is it?
ouu. I'm just watching tv, kinda wanting to get drunk atm lmaoo
I watch both. I used to watch this show, called Friends. and I might watch on my block because I haven’t seen it
I have seen the greatest showman. it was cool
and oh I have seen end of the fūcking world. that’s the british show.
hello, are you there?
hi i’m eliana
interesting name, how are ya?
hi sir ! i’m jewel :)
hey I’m heaven
hi I’m Annie:)
hey i’m alexis x
hewo me is jisoo