i honestly have no excuse for being inactive yesterday and today except that i'm trying really hard on the drawings i've only finished one and i hate it and to top that off, i have 16 more faces to draw


i honestly have no excuse for being inactive yesterday and today except that i'm trying really hard on the drawings i've only finished one and i hate it and to top that off, i have 16 more faces to draw

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You got this. 🙌🏼 And if this was my living room I'd have a heart attack out of pure joy.
if I was in that living room I would freeze, stare (prob for an awkwardly long amount of time) but then I would grab a snack and sit down on that couch and eather grab a controller or cheer on the winner (if it was mariocart)
Yes the picture I showed you to draw is Calum Hood😂 from 5 Seconds of Summer
@caption you don't have to stress yourself out with the drawings, they also don't need to be perfect. im sure they're perfect
okay I know my last comment was super sentimental but what the blôody hèll is your prof pic
i would probably have a heart attack and then grab a controllers 😂