*Cringes at there spelling*

Thing in comments.


*Cringes at there spelling* Thing in comments.

17 1
I feel like cràp. I feel useless. I am bad at everything. My drawings suck, I can't comfort people, ect. The most I can do is cook. But when you're forced to something, it loses the fun part. I'm a rude person in real life. Basically, I'm miserable. I don't know why people even like me. I'm an antisocial jerk. My life is going no where. Sure, I have things I'd like to do when I'm older, but I'm not going to achieve them. I can't talk to guys, so how am I suppose to get married? I just want to die and get it over with.
I'm to the point where I've stopped caring about myself
I know those feelings a bit too well. Trust me, they'll eventually go away. It may take some time, but they will. It took me somewhere between 3-4 years. Your drawings are great, if you want to see a drawing that actually sucks, I'll show you mine. If you think you're not going to achieve the things you would like to, you're just making the possibility of you achieving those things, impossible. Now I can't really give you any advice about boys because I can't talk to guys either, but some guy will come around who thinks you are the best person to have ever been made. I don't know what you believe, but personally the main way I made those feelings go away, is by just letting God handle it and trusting that he would make everything ok. And just to let you know, I think you're great:)
Triene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon containing three double bonds between carbon atoms and a Diene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon containing two double bonds between carbon atoms. So, basically it's just a pun about atoms, that literally goes with how most people feel in life.
It took me a while to realize what they were referencing to