There's so many people at my house and I'm trying to hide from them in my room but it's not really working


There's so many people at my house and I'm trying to hide from them in my room but it's not really working

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@caption I feel you
It happens way too often to be honest
I hate when that happens, it's especially worse when it's someone like my grandpa because I'll be in my room minding my own business and he'll barge in and say "hELLO" and then try to hug me and have a conversation and I'm like "i'M DOING SOMETHING GO AWAY" but really I'm just playing sims
yeah, except it's all my sister's friends and some of my parent's friends and they're blasting Justin Bieber
@caption ah sorry! I hope they weren't there long.
Yeah it wasn't that bad but it's just overwhelming, you know?