Collage by __alyssa


17 4
sorry your teammate didn’t reply! I will try to contact her soon
thanks btw!
ok I am so so sorry
how about this, you can get started with the background and wait for another 2 days, if she hasn’t reply soon, then you can finish the text and I will eliminate her, unfortunately
I Hope she replets
ok I'm terrible at spelling let me start
Heyyy sorry! Am I still in it?
I guess I'm eliminated because I didn't meet the due date. Sorry desert_vibes!! xx
hello Brianna!
yes you are still in, the other team is taking long time to finish too
I will give you until 3/5
you can finish the text since @desert_vibes did the amazing background (I am sorry @desert_vibes!)
okay tysm! I’ll work on the text now!
I’m done!
its ok everyone!
thanks for being so nice tho!
btw the text is awsome!
glad everything worked out :)
tysm! and yeah me too!
thanks again you two! currently we are waiting on collagequeen21 and incubi to finish their collage.
due date is 3/5 just so you wondered
thanks again!