I'm in shock


I'm in shock

19 0
really well done for saying this, Im British and everyone here in England is super scared too!! honestly it's brave of you to stand up like this- I respect you ❤️
thanks <3 I'm just really stressed right now, but if we all stick together, we'll be okay!
oh the official newspaper of the KKK endorsed trump...and by gay lives I mean that when pence and trump support, and do nothing to stop, gay conversion therapy-gay kids are going to die. when trump refuses to take in people we've looked over for months, people we can guarantee are safe, just because of their faith, muslims are going to die. also, after brexit, there was a huge spike of hate crimes across Britain, and you can already start to see that happening in the us...
i dont exactly understand that comment^. how are gay kids going to die because trump is now president?
sure. So pence, trump's VP, has advocated for using taxpayer dollars to pay for gay conversion therapy. Conversion therapy is proven to be extremely pain harmful to kids especially, LGBT folks exposed to that setting are 8x more likely to commit suicide. so that's what I was referring to
also there was already an incident of a man with his boyfriend being badly assaulted, and the men who did it were yelling pro trump statements, so trumps presidency is going to bring out the worst in people like this (obviously most of his supporters aren't like that- but there's enough)
'pro trump statements' can mean a varitey of things.
gays wanting to commit suicide does not mean that trump is going to be killing them. technically the definition of suicide is killing yourself, not someone else killing you.
"we got a new president you f*** ing f***** s"-the "pro trump statement" the man said was yelled at him. And while I understand trump would not be the one physically killing anyone, their deaths would be a direct consequence of the legislation his administration wants to implant