Is everyone ready?


Is everyone ready?

8 1
*smiles cheeky* I'll try.
smiles and rolls eyes*
*hops on her sisters back* can I sit with u
*bumps into Ruby* sorry I tripped
your age explains a lot Red Dipper...*smirks*
*growls at him* leave my sis alone Romeo!
it's fine *smiles and turn to red dipper* alright
*laughs a little* sorry... *grins at Ruby* so...I'm guessing your parents are on a trip...
Ruby folds her ears back and looks at the ground saying nothing*
*looks away* oh...I'm sorry if I troubled you...
*red dipper stars to cry* Why do u need to know! *runs off crying*
she sighed* it's fine.lets just get on the train
*walks onto train*
*she is sitting in a seat crying*
*walks into train and sits beside Red Dipper* I-I'm sorry...I didn't know... *folds back ears and droops head*
*looks at him and wipes her tears* my mom abused me and my dad.... he..... he's dead
it's not your fault *sits across from them* lets talk about something else.Why does Princess Celestia want to see us?
*smiles* but it's not your fault... I'm sorry for getting mad at you I shouldn't treat a friend like that.... can u forgive me...?
*thinks* maybe it's because we're alicorns?
yes..I forgive you *lifts ears in surprise* that whistling! I hear sounds evil...
*sounds surprised* ya me -gets cut off- did u guys see that...?!
*looks at you with confusion* see what...?
*puts her hoof on her head and breaths hard* ouch that hurts... -sighs- I feel light... *passes out before she can finish*
*sneezes* OW *looks at red Dipper* oh no *catches you* Ruby! He-*sneeze* OW
dipper! *runs over*
what's going on?!?
*breath slowly stops*
*sneeze* OW *i drop Red dipper and I fall, to the ground with my eyes closing* Discord...he'
*jumps up and screams* NOOOO!!!
*sly [my fox] comes out of my bag* Sly: DISCORD! *sly licks Red Dipper making her breathe again* GOODBYE * Sky goes back in the bag*
*jumps back.Her head was spinning with confusion* d..discord?here?
*runs over to see if he's ok*
that's what the princess wanted us for she told me! *looks at her sister worried*
-I like how we're doing this with other ponies on a train lol 😊-
*i wake up* *i run towards discord and then hit him with wind from my wings making him get kncked out* BAM!
well it's not safe here *looks around*
Ruby picks the bag up with her magic*
*runs in the middle of the train* ok every pony I'm gonna stop the train but I need no panicking *uses her magic to stop the train* every pony off now!
Ruby ushers ponies out of the train*
*i fly back down and wrap my bag strap around me* that present of Princess Celestia is as important as can be *i scowled at Sly* Why did you come with...your what he wants...
why does he want sly? *cuts him off*
*glares at ruby* he can talk...he knows where the Elements of Harmony are...after they were scattered he tracked them...he told me...
elements of harmony? but they haven't been found since Twilight sparkle!
*jumps up* twilight... I know her she's.... she's been hiding...
exactly...i did research...and it turns out...their scattered all over the place...
who's been hiding?
twilight was hiding...? isn't she friends with Applejack?
*turns away* it's not important.... what's important right now is that we find discord and save the elements
so where are the elements?
no...we need to meet Princess Celestia...she may have our answers...
*red turns around* umm guys were r u... *her eyes are completely white* all I see is a castle...
*looks at red confused* Red? *I tap her shoulder* Ruby...we might have a problem...a pretty big one...
dipper?what do u mean you see a castle?
sorry! gtg, have to work on project be on later bye!
brb I'll be on in a minute sorry
*puts her hoof on her head* I also see.... Twilight and her friends.... in cages.... and the elements... their *gasps*
*cries* discord has them....
what? *gasps in shock* where?
*shes tries to see and makes a confused face* princes celestas castle
the same let's go! *grabs her hoof and runs out of the train*
could I come to plz
*stops and let's go of her hoof* I-I-I can't go...
*looks at Red* why can't you go *sneeze* ow! oh no... discord is in front of the train...he's blocking us...
well what are we going to do now?
I fond out something...I have a strong sense of smell...and it can smell the even most faintest scents...Discords scent makes me's so...terrible...
that's great!But how does that help us get to the castle?
wait...if Discord follows us...and I have sly...I need to go and split up with you...I have to get sly to safety...with Applejack...ill meet you at the castle...ill take care of Discord when I'm on my way to Applejack's farm...I'll distract him and get as much info as you can from Princess Celestia...
split up?Ar....are you sure that's a good idea?
*looks at you with confidence* must protect Red though...ill be me...
*takes a deep breath and nods* alright meet you there *flys into air* good luck!
*looks up at you and you see my worried eyes* ok... *i fly away and disappear over the horizon*
good luck *whispers again and flys off towards the castle*
(which element are you and which one should I be?)
*i stop at Applejack's house and I knock on the door* Hello? Applejack: Caballo? is that you? Me:Yes can you protect sly? Applejack: Sure I mean...ok...for now... Me: ok thank you! I have to leave Bye! *i fly and I run into discord* DISCORD! Discord: Caballo...where is he...this fox... Me: I'll never tell you... Discord: Fine...* Discord runs at me and bites part of my ear off* Me: Ow! *i lie on the ground panting as Discord flies away*
can I be...loyalty?
which one should I be?
yay! have that very strong...very...very..very...and I wish I was that special guy in your future that you raise a family with and now I said my secrets! WHY
lol it's fine 😊 and um thx *blushes*
*i fold back my ears and I blush and smile a little* can we get back to the role lay...
I think it's your turn to say something
oh right sorry) ruby lands in front of the castle
where is he?i wonder if he's ok
*i get up but fall**i look up* please...
*her horn lights up* woah! why is it doing that? *the horns turns brighter as she turns it into a certain direction*
(like how it does in mlp when a pony's in trouble)
*follows direction of brightness*
*i see brightness* that you...
Caballo! *runs towards you* what happened? are you alright?
*looks at you* he bit me...his poison...bring me to Princess Celestia...
nods and puts you on her back and flys back towards the castle*
*i wake up* ok...I feel..a bit better...I can fly...
you sure?
yeah...thanks for coming for me...*I nudge you a little* you saved my life...
*shrugs* it's no big deal rlly...... *land in front of the castle's door*
*i take out my present and walk inside* Princess Celestia...we are here for a gift *i bow*
*bows also* *princess Celestia walks up* thank you for coming.
*i get back up* I have a the gift *i pull it out and give it to you* it's's the elements of harmony...
elements of harmony?but I though those had disappeared.Where did you find them?
my fox sly...he found them...and he gave them to me...and Discord is back...
Discord?But I thought he vanished forever! *ruby glances at Caballo in surprise then back at Celestia*
(Celestia is talking btw)
*looks at Ruby* well...he came when we were on the train...and see my ear *bends down so you can see it* he bit it...but I want to keep the scar...
yikes!that looks painful.....
(so what should my element be?)
well it called us here...
I knew that the mane 6 had vanished.It never accured to me that discord was still alive
yeah...why did you want us here *i say fast*
ok 😊 who's going to be the magic one?)
and which one should red dipper be?)
I think red should be.....laughter...what do you think?
because, only the elements of harmony and alicorns can defeat discord.I knew you had experience discovering things and with the help of your friends,I thought you could find it.
but you seem to have already found them
(maybe.....we'll ask her when she gets back)
yeah...*laughs a little* so...what do we do now?
I need you to find the mane 6 *she said and turns around and walks towards her throne*
well...I know where Applejack lives...I've known for a while..
*nods* good.But the others are scattered everywhere.Do you think you can find them?
of co- *sneeze* Ow that hu-oh no...
oh no....*ruby whispers*
Princess...get your guards it fast...
nods and flys off*
*looks at ruby* I should of known he would come...this is my fault *i look with guilt at you*
this is not your fault *says sternly*
*looks at you* it is...I'm...I'm...
*glares at you* it's not your fault.It will only be if you just stand there doing nothing it will be.
*i look at you with tears in my eyes* I can't fight my own brother...but he can fight me *i step back a little*
(can u just apoligize to her and forget about? plz?)
I'm his brother... *i look at you with tears streaming down my face*
what? *eyes widen then shakes head* that doesn't change who you are.You are my friend and we have to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone.
your right... *i kiss you on the cheek and run out the door and fly into the sky* Discord! you will hurt no more! *Discord comes in front of me* Discord: ok...fight *i grab his legs and carry him into space*
*ruby just stands there for a second in shock then shakes her head and flys outside*
*i let go of discord* you won't hurt me! Discord: Oh really... *discord slashes my cheek and I fall to the ground and get knocked out* Ahhhhhh! Oof!
Caballo! *flys over to you* plz plz alright....
*cough cough* can do this have Red...ill watch over you...*stops breathing*
Caballo! *screams* caballo!
*Applejack comes in* Caballo...? *tear runs down her face* don't leave...
(have Ruby explain πŸ˜‚)
uhh....πŸ€”πŸ˜‘were at the castle,Caballo has the elements,discord is defeated?,and Caballo is dying)
(I'm also Discords brother and you might not want to read about when we meet Princess Celestia
*wips away her tears and hugs her sister tightly and screams* he'll be ok I know he will! *she feels somethings go down her face and sees blood coming from her eye and starts shaking* sis... I-i-I think I'm blind in one eye...
w..what? *her head was spinning rapidly.everything was happening so fast*
oh and what element are you Aj?)
*i cough a few times* still here?
*starts to cry* am I ok what does it look like... *starts crying rlly hard* will I be ok...
(btw Red I kissed your sister on her cheek)
*looks over at him* your ok...! *hugs him tightly (in a friend way) and starts crying* I knew u would...
(hey it was just on the cheek) does my ear look bad...?
*sighs* nope I guess we both have a scar now *points at her eye* I'm blind in one eye...
*i get up* leg...and Red...I love your sister *folds back ears and blushes a little*
blushes slightly as well* I'm just glad your ok *hugs him*
*cover her eyes and pushes them together to make them kiss and giggles* oops...
jumps back and blushes and folds ears back* red!
*starts running* try and catch me! *starts laughing*
(is it ok if people join our mane 6? or are we making up our own?)
btw which element do u think I should red?and which one do u think u should have?)
*scowls* red! *chases after her*
(kindness for u) (laughter for me)
why do me need a main six were the guardians of the elements
oh I thought we were going to become the new mane 6)
*sticks out tongue and doesn't see were she is going and falls in to river (I can't swim btw and my wing is injured*
*screams* RUBY!!
red! *picks her up with her magic back onto the river bank*
(also I'm Loyalty)
*i run over to Red* you ok?
*starts shaking* I'm sorry sis...
*laughs* I'm fine u know ALMOST DROWNED! *looks at him with a sassy look*
*i sit down* Ow! *I turn and look at my leg* he cut me there too!
*sighs* we need to get you guys to a doctor
so... does this mean we're a family now... since well u guys are a thing *looks at him with a little smile*
glares at her*
*laughs scared*
gtg sorry bye!)
(ok bye) *laughs a little* You and your jokes red...
ok bye I have to go too see u later!
(ok I'm back me and u can RP if u want)
*walks beside him and starts singing* Caballo and ruby siting Ina tee k-I-s-s-I-n-g, first comes love then comes marriage then come red sitin Ina baby carriage *looks at him and laughs*
grins* maybe that'll be true one day...
are you gonna join our rp?