This was an entry into Big_Reader’s 2k contest. Go enter if you haven’t!
Meg Donnelly- with u


This was an entry into Big_Reader’s 2k contest. Go enter if you haven’t! Meg Donnelly- with u

58 2
🚨copy and pasted !!🚨 Please join my first games! 🏹 It would really mean a lot for you to join! I only put this in people comments if I really think they should join! 🚨not copy and pasted 🚨 Since you won my last contest I would love to have you in this one! Love this collage btw! What the heck?! For a second their btw autocorrected to Brennon!?! I don’t even know a Brennon! what the heck! Anyways, I would love to have you in my first games all about the seasons!!
thanks sooo much for advertising for my contest! it looks amazing!😃😉
i love her a lot too!!! this is so cute 💜
this is really nice , love the qoute