They role me out to get mani-Pedis so that is where I am


They role me out to get mani-Pedis so that is where I am

32 0
I'm on private an I'm not coming off
baby no! why?
Because babe I'm upset
please no come back
*looks down* ok..
what's wrong
I'm upset about losing my sister and it's hard to be strong right now and it's really hard when I can't talk to you about what's going on cuz your busy and I understand that I'm just lost and idk what to do
I'm in for a little
*lays on you* I'm sorry baby
it's ok*holds you*
*looks at you* I feel like I annoy you all the time
you don't baby*holds you*
*looks at you* your the only guy who has ever been here this far for me like everyone else just kinda gave up on me and you haven't yet
baby I love you so much I'm not gonna leave you*kisses your head*
*smiles and plays with your fingers* I love you so much too baby and I'm not gonna leave you your my one and only and nothing will change that I promise like ever since we go together I haven't talked to any other guys besides cam and Michael who are my bros and that's who I'll ever talk to you mean literally everything to me baby
*smiles* can we go out tonight baby just us and see if someone can watch Lexi and Kennedy for us
Who should we see will watch them baby
Bailey will
She would do that for us
Tell her I said thank you
she said your welcome
*looks at you* when do you want to go baby
in about an hour or so
Ok I love you baby
baby in just a little bit I'm gonna go night swimming and then I'll be back for the rest of the night I'm pretty sure
Ok baby just let me know *lays my head on you*
ok baby*holds you*
*looks at you* Lexi made my bΓΈΓΈbs hurt baby I think she's teething
Yeah that maybe why she's so fussy lately and before you go swimming I want s kiss baby
ok baby
*looks at you*
Baby did you leave
I'm goin baby*kisses you*i love you
*kisses back* I love you too make a post or something when you get back baby
Hey baby your probably busy doing something and that's fine maybe tomorrow night we can go out just the two of us for our one month but I'm getting tired and I just wanted to say that I love you lots and I miss youπŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‰πŸ’―β£πŸ™ˆπŸ˜