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good morning my king I love you so much thank you for being a part of my life
that's not a problem my queen I'm happy to be part of your life as im glad you are part of mine your amazing and I can't ask for someone better I love you soo much too
awe that made me smile so much. I hope you have a terrific day at work. Don't let anyone drag you down
no one can drag me down specially if I know I have you
you have me all the way and I wouldn't want anyone else but you
your soo sweet my queen I can't wait to meet in person I know your going to be even better than I can imagine it going to be amazing having you by my side
awe and the same to you my king
hey hues it going my queen how was school ?
school was somewhat stressful, my teacher was being rude and my friends started stuff. Also one of my friends is getting mad at my other friend because all she does is talk about her BF and leaves us for him. Idk. how was work and just your day in general?
work was also stressful and my day has been very very peaceful surprisingly and as long as your there friend I'm sure they will work it out sooner or later
I'm glad it was peaceful at least. And I suppose you're right
my queen I love you to the ends off this earth and nothing will ever come between us I promise you that your the best thing that has and will ever happen you are amazing in every way I can think of plus more you mean more to me than the breathe I take and when we meet I know I'm going to fall in live with you all over again as we start our life together your my queen my goddess my world your my everything
that made me smile so much and put my worries to rest. I know I'm safe with you and that's an amazing feeling to have. When I'm wth you I'm happy and without you I feel empty. Uou are the one for me
im glad to hear is make such a difference to someone life it give me the strength to get though each day and soon we will be by each other's side I love you so much my queen
I bet I love you more my king. You have changed me and my life so much but in such a positive way. I don't wanna live a life without you by my side. No one else was meant for that spot but you
it wouldn't matter who loved who more all I know is we will both love each other I would do anything to make and keep you happy and I mean anything for you and my life without you would just be dark and miserable place u give me reason to get out of bed and keep my head held high I love you to the very last star my queen
Awe you're so good with words. I'm blushing and smiling so much. You're everything to me. I'm so lucky to have found you and I know we are inseparabllike like I said, nothing can keep me from you.
and nothing can keep me from you and one day we will be together in body and soul in the mean time keep your head up and a smile in that face my queen my world
you're perfect I swear
I wish I was sometimes but you are beyond perfect my queen
I'm perfect for you
u are more than perfect for me my queen
awe so sweet
hey my queen I would just like to say I love you and have a great day at school
awe thank you. I love you too and I hope you have a great day at work
hey sorry I been spending my weekend at my auntie house in Scotland the service up there is horrible so not had chance to reply but I'm on way home now so I should be able to talk today/tonight my queen
oh okay it's okay. So I've been thinking.. and I think it would be best if we broke up.. I love you and everything I really truly do. The future we planned together is terrific but.. I don't want to break my moms trust even more with this app and we hardly ever talk.. I need someone who's here..who I don't have to wonder about. Or maybe no one. And you also deserve someone who is there. Also you have to remember I'm 13.. you're 19 that's a huge difference. I'm just starting with life I'm just trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do in this life. I may be a completely different person in the next few years. This is my time to focus on school and self discovery.. I can't get caught up in the virtual world.. I'm sorry but I have to please try to understand I didn't want to do this but it really is for the best.. please try to understand
I understand....
I'm sorry :(
I loved you more than anything but I understand why u have to do it u will never be forgotten
I loved you more than anything and I still do love you I just can't do this.. it would be different if you were here.. I just lose myself in my thoughts and it's not healthy.. maybe in the foreseeable future but right now I need to figure myself and school out.. I would still like to try to talk to you..
that would be fine
I'm still coming over there when everything over here is sorted out and i understand everything you said I respect your choice
thank you for being so understanding. That's amazing that you're still coming over here.. know that my heart will always be yours
I'm a very understanding person
I know
hue has your day been anyway
okay for the most part.. just stressing about exams and this project due tomorrow. And yours?
it been alright soo fair I guess just trying to keep my head on my work and going thou old stuff in my room getting rid I most of my old clothes and stuff
oh. how's that going?
it's going ok I had too much stuff stuff I didn't even know I had
oh wow
hey how have you been ?
I'm fine. and you?
I'm good thanks sorry I've been trying to keep my head clear I've had my medical and fitness test for the army so I'm just waiting to hear back from them and then I can start my career as a solider as I said I was going to become
that's fantastic!! you'll have to let me know what they say. and it's okay you don't need to apologize
I will soon be who I want and need to be
that's great
thank you I just hope I can do anyone proud and make sure this world is a wonderful place to be like I always said I wanted it the only thing is I'm going to rule my kingdom myself
I know it's what you want... I still love you Nathan.. I hope you know that
I feel the same way Leanne I have done since I payed eyes on you
you're always so kind
I'm not believe me
well you are to me
thank you u always know how to make me feel better why can't there be more people like you in this world
I'm nothing much.. you're one of the only people who see me as something resembling good. everyone else doesn't. people these days are just cruel.. it's horrible I hate it so much... that's why I try to be as kind as I can be.. what I do is something everyone else can do so its not me that's good it's just actions
good people make good decisions and take good actions the world is a cruel place you just have to make sure you keep your head up and make sure you do what you can to make your time on this earth your own but don't let anyone tell you your worthless and a failure because I know your better than most people also don't let anyone take advantage of your skills or youself
like I said your an angel and I'm sticking to that your good and that will never change but please I know this might be hard for you to do because I know you like helping other people but don't always help other people there will be a time where you will have pick yourself over other people do what you can to stay happy
but I don't care about my own happiness.. it doesn't matter to me. Other people's happiness is what is important to me. And I wouldn't let anyone take advantage of me.. I know when I'm being wronged. people at school ask to pay me to do their homework it's ridiculous and I always say no. As far as people looking down on me goes I don't even care anymore. they can beat on me all they want but I'm past gone. they've hurt me too much and I'll just let it happen. it doesn't really matter. I'd rather take the hits than have someone else be bullied
you are to caring u are me in female form I'm the same but there comes a time where enough will be enough just make sure u don't do anything you will regret one mistake could cost you your future
I know..
I know you know your a very smart girl u will always be one step ahead of everyone
thanks to my anxiety yes haha
haha it's nice to know I can still talk to you
I'm glad too. I love talking to you
I love talking to you too
it's good to hear that
I'm happy as long as you are Leanne
that's sweet
it's true Leanne
I know. I know you wouldn't lie especially about something like that
I have no reason to lie to you I never have a reason to lie
I'm glad
good good
soo how are you
I feeling great my ribs and leg are perfect working order again and I'm now working full time at the book shop
what about yourself
that's wonderful!!! I'm so glad. I'm doing okay I guess. I get out of school on Tuesday but I'll have a pretty boring summer.. I like to keep myself busy so that'll suck but oh well I'll try to make the best of it
good good I have to on hoilday with my brother and Wednesday which isn't goin to be fun at all he wants go hunting soo we have both bought rifles and everything but I can't say no because I picked the holiday last summer
do you like to hunt?
I don't hate it I just don't like killing animals but the animals we hint like birds rabbit are over populating our country so I know this sounds horrible but they need to be killed it like big game hunting over there we are only allowed to do it twice a year so I guess it's not to bad I guess
it's okay. I'm okay with hunting as long as people aren't killing animals just for the hełł of it, that bugs me
I don't like hunting at any time but it's what my brother wants so I'm going to go along with it
omg I'm so sorry!!!! I thought you hadn't replied to me and the number of comments never changed so I never checked... I'm so sorry 😔
it's cool only got back from trip this morning soo I haven't had time to reply don't worry about it
okay.... thank you for being so nice
it's not a problem I'm a nice guy
very very true
hehehe how's anything anyway not really spoken to u in like a week
um things could be better. my whole family is really stressed right now so that puts more stress on me but I deal. I'm now out of school but I hate the summer because it's always so boring because I have no social life lol... idk I've been okay I guess. I'm alive so that's a pro I guess. What about you????
that's strange
are you cussing in what you're trying to send? because it won't send if theirs a curse word
there isn't anything in there I would consider cussing
I think it was because pic college wasn't updated
hey anyway my trip was alright I don't wanna go again though I'd rather oh paint balling or something like that
ah okay. paint balling is cool
yh it is
I'm cutting my hair really short
how short are u goin with it
on my page it has a pic. I just got it done
hey how's everything over there
it's pretty scary right now. People are so frantic and terrified because of the Orlando shooting. You've probably heard of it then? I changed my photo in respect for the lives lost. I'm pretty scared myself the thought that someone would kill others because of who they love is terrifying. Idk this worlds just getting more and more horrible by the day
I've heard it's horrible I know it's a cruel world that's why I want to rid the world of evil I hope your ok thou
you're asking for the impossible... I don't think you can ever completely get rid of the evil. it always finds a way to slip through the cracks. I'm okay thank you for asking you're always so sweet and kind. I'm just a little shaken and today I'm scared because I'm at my grandmothers and the state is going to come and cease her property...
are you okay?
what I can't believe that and I'm fine I'm kids worries about you do u need any help or anything if there any thing I can do or say I'm here if u need me u know that I just wish I could be more help to you and I can't help being sweet and kind to you your Amazing and your a strong minded girl
kinda worried
don't be worried about me okay... I know you care but I'm the last thing you should be thinking about. I'm okay really or I'll be okay soon. I just need to recompose myself... Thank you for saying those things you always know how to put a smile on my face
ok just keep smiling and only look out for the people close to you
good good as long as you keep your mind on something that makes you happy u will be able to get though anything
I suppose so
I'm sorry I shouldn't be telling u how to live your life I just want you to be happy and keep that smile on your face
it's okay don't be sorry you're just looking out for me and you have no clue how much I appreciate your care. I'm trying to be happy and smile but it's getting harder and harder these days
I understand it's hard over here as well every other day some one is being killed or killing themselves I care about you because u got me though some hard times
that's so sad... the worlds so horrible.. I'm glad I could help you
I still want to change the world I wanna make it a nicer place and I'm grateful for you talking to me
of course. I love talking to you
I have to tell you something. I don't know if you'll still talk to me afterwards but you deserve to know
what is it and I highly doubt I will stop talking to you
I have a girlfriend. I never told you but.. I'm bisexual.. I used to have a crush on my best friend and then we went our separate ways with people and I had to forget about it. well lately it kept rising to the surface until it ate me alive so... I wrote her a letter and told her how I felt and it turns out she felt the same way...
ok but u we are friends u should of told me
I know... I should've. I just didn't know how you would react. I was afraid
it fine by me I wouldn't he in a mood with you and I'm not going to stop talking to u unless I tell me otherwise
I would never tell you to stop speaking with me
well then I guess we are all good then
for sure
u should of told me early thou but I'm not complaining it's your choice I'm just here as a friend
I know I should've.. I'm sorry 😔
it cool like I said
okay....... how are you?
im okie I guess just bored of this place at the moment
are you still planning on moving over here? and I must know, is it still raining consistently?
yh I'm still planning on moving over there and it's not been so bad last couple of days but I wanna move out of this country because it's going to run its self into the ground
also I can feel myself changing day by day aswell
I can understand that. Just do want your heart desires Nathan. What do you mean by changing? changing how?
I'm hanging around with bad influences and I'm staying out late I'm barely talking to my mum and brothers anymore things like that
oh Nathan..😔 why are you doing this? you're so smart and lovely.. you're bright and amazing.. why are you changing like that?? you know how much your mom loves you and cares about you. I know you're brother loves you as well so..shy throw it away?
I'm worried about you..
I don't know I feel like I fit in with the people I hang around with I don't touch drugs or alcohol but I feel like I can act myself around them but my family doesn't approve of my new found friends which is why I'm changing I'm starting to hate my family because they are telling me what to do all the time I don't know what to do and u shouldn't worry about me
your family is just looking out for you.. they care about you so much and they just don't want you getting in a bad situation. Yeah, it can be annoying but they're your family, it's what they're gonna do. It's there job to look after you. Just do me a favor and..don't shut them out completely you'll regret it in the future..trust me. The way I see it is you can hang out with whoever you want as long as you keep a clear mind and don't go down the wrong path..just stay true to who you are and don't let them pressure you into ANYTHING..I always worry about you and think about you. I care about you a lot and that's not going to stop so you're gonna have to accept my worrying for you :P
thank you Leanne that really means a lot and no one is going to pressure me into anything if I do something it will be off my own back thank you for being here Leanne it's good to know that I have people to speak to who aren't against my decisions
you don't have to thank me Nathan. it's a relief to hear that. Your decisions are for you to make and no one should influence you on them, it is your life after all..you can speak to me about anything any time
I do have to thank u . you haven't seen me face to face nor have I yet we both care about how we are both feeling but I wish I could do more to help you Leanne as you have helped me thou so much there is thinks I wanna talk to you about I just can't talk to anyone about them
I'm positive that one day we will meet. That will be one of the most happy days of my life. I'm lucky to have you in my life. You don't have to help me Nathan okay.. you really don't..I'm fine. And you could talk to me about anything..no judgement or anything. I want you to be able to come to me with your problems and worries. I'll always take them with open arms
hopfully we will and I'd like to help you as for telling you anything I don't think we can talk about some things sines things can't be talked about
don't waste your time on me nathan. now you've got me curious. why can't we talk about it? what's holding you back...
nothing holding me back I just can't talk about it
oh okay...I'll respect that..sorry
it's fine Leanne you don't have to apologise lets just say if I did what I wanna do it will come back to bite me one day soo I'm just going to be myself get over there and try and be happy
nathan... you're worrying me.. can you please tell me
there's no need to worry Leanne and it's not something I can tell you
sorry I haven't replied in awhile but there isn't need to worry about me
it's okay.. I know you have a life outside of a screen Nathan
I know but you are part I my life not matter what we use to talk soo much at one point and now we barely even talk it annoys me that we aren't like we were when we first met I'm just soo glad I can still talk to you it means a lot u still want to talk to me
I wish things were different. I wish we could talk like we used to and Skype when we wanted. I miss you a lot especially your voice. I hope one day things will be back to how they once were. it also means a lot to me that you still want to talk to me. I don't know what I would do if we weren't talking. you help me hold stable ground in my mind
in glad to hear that but at the moment I'm at war with my family I need to find a house over there quick as I can I need to get over there
oh no.. what's going on if I may ask? if you move over to New Mexico you can't come to my house though, my mom would be so mad. I hope everything is okay or will be okay soon
I have to go live with my auntie in London my mom thinks moving me away for my new friends would be good for me I mixed in with the wrong crowd too much now my mom pretty much wants nothing to do with me and I won't visit you I promise
that's so unfortunate :( are you still talking to your friends? do you like your auntie?
I'm still talking to my friends and nope I don't like her I don't even wanna go London but I don't get a choice my auntie is picking me up from train station I only have a week left in Manchester :'(
theirs nothing you can do to change your moms mind? I do really wish I could help.. try to see the best in this situation. I mean it is temporary and your mom can't rule over your life forever. I know it really does suck though.. I hope your auntie treats you good
I shouldn't have to go it's my brothers fault I'm going
but thank you I hope my auntie isn't as bad as my dads side of family thinks I'd rather go live with my grandma in New Zealand than go spend time with my auntie
why is it his fault? just give her a chance of you go into the situation feeling bad it makes everything worse.. have a little hope things will turn out okay, they usually do
he broke my guitar soo I punched him and then I snapped at my mums boyfriend because he was winding me up but I'm gonna go to my auntie and do what I need to do the thing that annoys me the most of the situation is I have to spend 2 weeks in London when I have work to do I have to take 2 weeks off work because of my brother but i have said I'm sorry his forgiven me and my mum still wants to send me down there
that's messed up of him to do so even if it was an accident that he did so. did he at least buy you a new guitar? they shouldn't keep you away from your work that too is messed up. that's how you get your income and they shouldn't take that away
it's was never about my brother breaking my guitar it's because of the people I hang around with they want me to be who they know me as a smart talented guy but I just wanna be like everyone else and just have a laugh while keeping my head down and earning my way
Nathan would you like to talk about something else? the subject is obviously very stressing to you and I don't know if talking about it is doing you any good. but if you do wanna talk about it is be more than happy to
I would love to talk about something else. how have you been? how everything with you ? how's your school work coming along? I haven't asked them questions in a while
I'm okay but I guess I could be better. lately it just feels like I'm living life for no purpose.. I need meaning in my life. things are meh.. I'm on vacation right now which is nice. grace broke up with me and somehow I'm totally okay with that. I don't think she was the one for me after all. school is nerve wracking but it's going along good I'm confident I'll do good this year and my dad threatened if I didn't get straight A's he would have to "do something about it"
thanks for asking
well that sucks sounds like your in a worst state than I am I hope everything is alright other than that thou your a smart girl I'm pretty sure you will work something out and no problem Leanne if there anything I mean anything u wanna talk about don't be shy to say
I don't even care anymore.. everything good in my life is only temporary because everything always goes to shÃt but oh well theirs not much I can do. I would be too shy to talk to you. if theirs a problem I hardly ever talk to people about it. I don't want you or anyone else thinking I want attention or that I'm needy. I know you won't but still...
well I'm here to help with any problems u May have even if there only small problems I'm here whenever u need it remember you were my queen and I will do anything for you
that's really good to know. thank you Nathan. you were also my king...sometimes I wish things never changed between us. we never broke up and my mom never found out.. but those things did happen and I have to accept that
I know what u mean Leanne I still have the lyrics to the song u made before my guitar got broken I thought I had something down with the lyrics like I said I'd do I keep my word and it sounds alright
that's so sweet.. I wish i could've gotten to hear it. I like that you stay true to your word
I actually lost those lyrics. I was deleting some of my writings and I accidentally deleted that one by mistake
I still have them I wrote them down in one of my notebooks
can I ask you something?
anything ?
do you think.. if you ever did move over here.. we would have a chance again?
you don't have to answer if you don't want to
maybe and I will be moving over there
why u ask anyway ?
a lot of the time I miss you.. and when you get over here I can finally hug you and you're just.. there. i love you through a screen and imagine how much better it'll be in real life.. I don't know maybe it was a silly question to ask I'm sorry
i don't think it was silly yh It came to me as a shock but there's no reason to apologise I think it would be amazing btw
you do think so..?
yh why wouldn't I
idk.. I didn't know if you still thought of me in that way or not
why because u date girls I don't judge people for who they date or who they like we hae soo much in common why would I not feel the same way
because I'm me. and I'm not a very good person and in my opinion I don't have many likable features. plus I feel like you would be so much better off without me..idk I'm glad you don't judge though
your funny smart good with words you like anime drawing music u love animals you have the best eyes an even better smile your accent is awesome and u make me smile on the darkest of days just because you don't think you have likeable features doesn't mean someone else doesn't tbh I would prob be a alcoholic drug addicted waste of space if it wasn't for you your like a butterfly u might nt thin your someone but one flap of your wings can deal a lot good or bad on the other side or the planet just remember I'm here no matter what until my dying day your special to me.... also why do u think I'm better off without you
Nathan I love you. I loved you from day one and I haven't stopped loving you since. you need to know that. no matter where you go or the people meet, know that someone does truly love you. that message had me in tears you're so sweet and genuine. I am so glad you're not a drug addict because you wouldn't be the Nathan I know today and I can't imagine my life without you. I think you're better off without me because I cause stress and I probably confuse you a lot and I'm just a burden.. that's what I've been thinking but your messages has sorta convinced me maybe you think of me more than just a burden. you make me feel amazing and worth something.. you give me more self confidence than anything ever could.. thank you for being you Nathan
I feel the same Leanne I have never changed my mind about you and I'm also myself all the time I never act like someone I'm not (unless it's costume) but u have never stressed me out and you have never been a burden and u are a lot more to me than u think or ever know I just wish I could be there to convince you how much u mean to me I'm sorry for bringing tears to your eyes but I bet they are just as beautiful as ever
they were good tears. it makes me so happy to hear those things.. so let me get this straight.. you still love me too? I'm soo lucky to have you in my life thank you for always knowing what to say you're truly amazing
I never stopped loving you Leanne you the only girl I know who can make me truly happy and I'm the lucky one to have such a great girl in my life I just wish we could talk face to face their is soo much I would like to say to you and I'm glad I know what to say
one day you will get to. we will meet no matter how much it takes I'll find a way to see you. just reading that message I have butterflies in my stomach. I'm so glad you love me back that makes me so happy
I hope soo and I speak nothing but the truth Leanne
I know that and I'm grateful for it
well I'm always here whenever u need me weather it's to ask/tell/moan about I will listen
thank you. and I'm here as well
thanks so where have u gone on vacation then
I'm in Las Vegas Nevada. I go every summer by myself on an airplane and my grandparents pick me up at the airport. all my moms family lives here
fair enough I'd love to be there right now I guess it beat London but as long as I got u to talk to no matter where I go it's going good
awh sweet. I'm glad. I don't think you would wanna be here right now. it's sooo hot here like I haven't even been outside unless it was to and from a car and my skin is peeling. it's ridiculous but yeah. idk
sounds like my sort of place and I hope your enjoying yourself
I am. but of course things could be better. I got to see my auntie who is sooo much like me. she loves Rock music and we have lots in common so that's nice. I hope things aren't too bad over there for you
well I'm going meet my auntie on Monday so things could be better but I'm just gonna make the most if it
that's good that you're going into the situation with that mind set
it's not like I have a chance to get out of it my mum is still annoyed with me which isn't a good thing but I'm gonna prove I'm not who she thinks I am tbh I'm no different I'm the same person but anyway you need to keep your head down and get your school work done
that's a good idea. if you try to get out of it it'll only make things worse. I know you're no different, you're still the Nathan I know. well it's summer break right now but I go back in either August or September.. I'm working really hard though I'm even studying even though it's break.. my dads really pressuring me
dads are like that my dad knew I wouldn't lose focus on tests and everything so they never pressured me but I know what I mean but one day you will thank him
that's good. I don't lose focus but he does it anyway. I don't think I will thank him. he's ridiculous. he told me not to have any friends and if I even just get a regular A instead of an A+ he gets mad
he wants what's best for you if I had a daughter I'd be the same well not with the no friends part
idk you would have to know my dad to get where I'm coming from
but I suppose you're right
you have a point yourself but like I said I'd be the same I would want my kids keeping their heads down for school
I know
hey sorry it's took so long to reply I was getting settled at my aunties
it's okay
I'm all settled and I have my computer my phone and a few of my books and drawin pad plus clothes and money I think I'm good at the moment I'm goin to go exploring tomorrow
ooo that should be fun
what u wanna talk about then have u got anything you'd like to say ask have a convo about
I'm not really sure :/
hahaha where my auntie lives is proper quiet I've been to local town and there's nothing here
well that sounds boring. any cool shops or anything?
there's a few but not really my sort of shops but my uncle is taking me into the proper town tomorrow so I should be buying some things tomorrow hehehe I've been wearing my attack on Titan jacket and the amount of people who have noticed and said how nice it looks as been unreal but I'm just sat in garden with a Mountain Dew my dads guitar just playing it to my auntie uncle and there friend who they have over everyday for lunch and everything
awe yeah a lot of people like that anime and your jacket is awesome. that sounds nice and relaxing. have they been nice so far?
they are not as bad as people make out tbh if they weren't retired I would live with them they asked me if I wanted to go out for afternoon tea with them and some friends they use to work with but the only problem was I needs smart pant shirt tie and they said do something with my hair so I just put a hat on but yh they seem old fashioned but they are nice people and they don't mind me being there they have been asking me questions about personal life hobbies interests common questions aswell like if I work what I do stuff like that but my week is nearly over which I'm kinda glad about but at the same I think I'm gonna miss them abit
awe well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself over there. you needed that. they sound like lovely people. are you dreading going back with your mom?
I'm not dreading it nope but my auntie and uncle have enjoyed me being here they told me u can come back anytime
hey how's vacation
heyy I'm super sorry I didn't reply sooner. Friday night I went to a concert and I couldn't text then. then I went camping and I literally just got home.. their was no signal over there.
that's not a problem as long as you enjoyed yourself
for the most part I did
why what happened
basically I feel like my mom hates me and that makes me sad so I didn't really have fun camping when my mom wasn't happy with me. also while hiking a thorn bush got my leg pretty good so my step dad made my mom check and my mom got mad because I had new cuts and so that ruined the day and I felt really bad
is there any reason why she would be annoyed with you and I haven't had the best of weeks I cut my finger open pretty bad yesterday so spend most my time in hospital getting patched up hehe I came off my bmx and got finger caught in folks
well yeah because of everything that happened like her finding about kik. that ruined stuff between us.. omg are you okay??? I hope you have a good quick recovery
yh in fine and really she is still mad about that
okay that's good I hate to see you in pain. oh yeah she'll probably always hold it against me
well maybe someday she will realise holding grudges dont get you very far as for my finger it's fine just a little cut up with some stitches in all good but anyhow how you doing anyway
I really hope so. she told me today I made her life miserable? idk why. I'm glad you're fingers set for recovery. that couldn't have been fun at all. I'm okay I guess. idk I don't feel like I'm in control of my emotions anymore. what about you? how are you
well first off u don't make anyone's life miserable you make my life perfect for a starter and I ca be the same sometime where I can't control my emotions soo I what I do is just put my earphones in and go for a real long walk just to try and clear my head and I'm fine everything kinda feels normal tbh but I don't know something has seemed to have changed I just don't know what it is
awh you're so sweet that made me smile. I'll have to try that next time I feel my mood getting out of hand which happens a lot. I like walking so it should be good thank you for the advice. maybe it's you that's changed? idk I feel like sometimes people change and we don't realize it sometimes. do you think whatever it is is a good or bad change?
maybe but something just feels out of place but i just don't know what that could be I'm going shopping with my brother tomorrow try and make peace properly
also a girl asked my bro for my number today which was alittle weird I buy an ice cream for her stall every now and then and now I think she thinks I go there for her but in reality I go there for the ice cream because it super nice hehe
but I only have eyes for 1 girl
I hope you have fun with that. let me know how it goes :)))) hmmm she totally likes you!!! idk I'm so far away Nathan. what if she is better? you don't wanna wait for me forever do you..? maybe you should give her a chance or get to know her... I'm not saying to date her just talk to her
honestly yh I will wait forever and she nice but not my type giving her a chance will only put me into a bad position besides I'm kinda put off the idea of relationships at the moment
specially after the last one she was a nut case who needed to sectioned or something she was crazy
plus I love the fact me an you have soo much in common
awe Nathan.. I love you <3 I'd wait forever for you too. what about friendship? do you think she would make a good friend? idk it's only an idea
I don't know didn't really think about it like that
hmmm okay
oh and I'm getting braces today 😖😔
really I gonna have to see you with them
I look so badddd and it hurtssss
butttttt I don't really get embarrassed with you and I can show my true self to you so I'll let you see
awww thank you hehe
anything for youuuu. I personally don't like them but I'm glad you do
I love braces I'd love to have them myself but there not fashion item unforturely hehehehe it brighten up you smile just the little hit more
I don't think you would want the pain that comes along with them 😂 i don't cry too much and I bit into some crust on bread and I literally cried so hard. im glad you can see the good in this. it makes me smile more
hehe it's no problem as for the pain eat ice cream that should do the trick it might num the pain and I see good in every situation apart from my own hehe
heh that sounds like me. I'll have to eat a bunch of ice cream just for you :)
don't make yourself sick because of eating too much ice cream hehe and how's everything over there
I know my limits :))) and everything's been kinda boring and chill which I guess is nice. and how are things over there? btw this is kinda silly to say but I feel like I have to tell you.. I find myself wishing more and more as I lay in bed that you had your arms wrapped around me
I wish more. than ever to have my arm wrapped around you I could do with a cuddle or 2 right now and I'm glad someone knows there limits put me infront of ice cream and I will eat the lot and prob ask for seconds hehe and you know you can tell me anything whenever
awe me too love.. I wanna know what your hand feels like in mine and what you smell like when I hug you with my face pressed against your chest..I just want you here with me so much.. that's cute about your ice cream haha I'll give you all the ice cream you want. I know I can tell you anything and I will. you can tell me anything too
my hands a rough because I make repairs for my bike every now and then and I usually smell like Versace or one million or joop there usually the after shave I wear and thank you I will hold you to that you now own me a big ice cream also there's nothing I want more on this planet other than to be holding you in my arms
I don't mind rough hands as long as they're yours I'm good. I've been told I have really soft hands heh. I don't believe we have those aftershaves here it's all about Old Spice and Axe haha. but I'm sure you smell good. what's your favorite ice cream flavor so I can be prepared? one day we'll be able to hold each other.. it might take a while but I'll never give up on you
hehe depends what's on offer at the time if every flavour then mint Choc chip or peanut butter ice cream
sounds good to me
I'd want to sit on the good of a car on the beach front cuddling up til the stars come out holding each other like it the last night to be alive not wanting to let go afterwards we just drive and drive til we find peace and quiet ten we just sit around a camp fire and exchange stories and laugh about the good time and hold each other thou the bad times
that sounds absolutely wonderful.. I can imagine such a beautiful future with you and I love it. theirs no one I want more than you. I want to do that and so many other things with you. I want to experience my life with you. I can't begin to explain how happy it makes me that I'm a part of your life and you love me. you're all I could ever ask for. they say theirs no such thing as perfect but I swear you're the perfect match for me
life would be perfect because I will do my best to give you everything you wanted plus more
but all I really want in this life is you
same tbh ever since the day I met you while talking about the deathnote picture hehe
me too. I instantly felt a connection to you. its crazy that we met though like what's the chances of you seeing that pic and then talking to me it's crazy but I think it's destiny
I guess your right I guess it is destiny how's your day been anyway
it's been pretty nice. I'm feeling great and I'm in a good mood. how is your day?
good good me and my friend and his girlfriend went shopping after work I bought myself a new outfit and and some new shoes to go with it because we have a party to go to in Friday soo we have to look our best but other than that I've been watching films all night and playing pokemon go while I was shopping hehe and am I alright to call you my queen
awe well that sounds nice I'm really glad you and your brother are good now. I hate to see families fighting. you'll have to tell me how the party goes :)) what level are you on on Pokemon go? that's the best app ever. I would love it if you called me your queen again but only if I can call you my king
I want you to come with me to the party you would be the most beautiful girl there plus I get to walk In with you hehehehe I'm level 62 on pokemon and oh course you can call me you king my queen
awe I would love to go especially on your arm. I don't know about being the most beautiful but I know I would be the happiest <3 I never had enough space on my phone for it but I got it a few days ago and I'm barely on level 4 lol you've got some skills haha how long have you been playing? I'm glad you're my king
since the day it came out and you my queen and never letting go of you when yor I my arms
oh that's cool. I wouldn't ever want you to let me go
hehe I'm into pokemon aswell you see soo whole I'm out in town or just going for a walk I will see if there's any pokemon near by I can catch and stuff I would never want you to let go either I can just picture it now walking down the beach holding each other while the sun sets u start to get cold so I give you my jacket and you smile all the time we are out together
that's amazing lol. I always freak out when I see one even in public and my friends get all embarrassed it's funny. I'm so weird I don't even care about holding it back lol. I would love that to happen it would be a dream come true. I could just imagine you coming to my town and we would be in the car and I would point out all the things and memories that happened in it. I know you don't want to live in England but I would love to visit it with you
I would love to show you the sites around England if show you the world if I could my queen I'm sure Ive told you this before but I would tell you a thousand more times I would love for you to show me your sites and memories as I would show you the sites and the memories I have
I would love that as well. it would mean a lot to me. I still want to travel around the world when I get out of high school. their is so much I haven't seen in this world and I wanna explore. I wanna see the history in other parts. America doesn't have that much history. I would love it if you traveled with me
I would travel the galaxy if u asked me too but yh of course I would travel the world with you your my queen there's just going to be nothing more beautiful than you
awe you keep finding ways to make me blush. I'm glad you'd go places with me. nothing's more worth seeing than you in person. but most of all I want to make history with you
history is in the making just picture tryin to explain to kids how we met
it'll be great and I look forward to it
haha well exploring with you would be truly a fairytale in the making we might even discover something that been missing for centuries and centuries we can be anyone we want
that would be amazing. going places with you would make everything so much better. it would be like conquering the world with you
conquering the world can be done with one hand as long as the you are holding my other hand my queen
my hand will always be open for you. I only yearn for you. you make me feel like I can do anything
you can do anything I'm a book keeper if u say but I wanna and can be more but I love my books anime and outdoors sports but I will be going to America soon for sxsw so I might try an get to New Mexico afterwards
I love you for who you are. I love my books too. when is sxsw? to be honest I don't know what that is ha. but just remember you can't go to my house. my mom would kill me
sxsw is south by south west gamers awards and don't worry I will let you know closer to date and I won't go to your house I will fin somewhere for us to meet if anything but can I ask you something what really attracts you to me be completely honest please my radiant queen who smile shine on the while world
ohhh okay that sounds pretty cool actually. my mom shelters me so that's probably why I don't know it lol. I would probably cry if we met or even had the opportunity to. lots of things attract me to you but I'll have to say the thing that sticks out a lot is your trust. idk what it is about you but something just screams that I can trust you with everything and I have a lot of trust issues so that's saying a lot. I think the second is you are different from other people in a good way. you're not selfish and conceded like a lot of people are these days. you don't make decisions based on what everyone else is doing. you're like a breath of fresh air. their are lots and lots of other amazing things about you though.
well that's reassuring anyway and we will get a chance to meet I promise you that my queen
that's very good and I look forward to it
what if u don't like me in person because people can be different in person
I honestly don't think that will happen and I mean we have skyped before. and what could I possibly not like about you
I'm just abit worried you might not like who I am face to face that's all my queen but in honesty you pretty much know who I am already if u have any questions about me you wanna ask don't be afraid to ask me however small or big it is
I know I'll love you in person all the same. I don't have any questions at the moment but if I ever do I willll definitely ask my king and same goes to you, you can ask me anything
hehe I will when a question pops up so where would be the best place to meet if I was to come over there u must know like a diner or somewhere like that
yes.. but the thing is I don't know how I would be able to get over there...
who said anything about you coming to me ? I wanna come over there I have the money 2 and my brother said he will come with me and soo did his girlfriend I just think they want me to meet you so I'm much happier I'm at my brother girlfriends house with him and his misses and one of her friends a around and they are trying to get me with her I keep sayin no because I want you an no one else it's kinda annoying me now the fact that everyone is trying to find me a girlfriend and I'm not even aske or looking for one because there only one girl on this planet I want but they don't see it my queen and it's starting to upset and annoy me so bad and if I snap then I'm getting liked out of my moms house which I don't want happening because I don't want to be at war with her
no one. what I'm saying is I don't know how I would be able to meet up with you because it's not like you can pick me up or I cant drive. but we'll work it out. don't they understand that you have your eyes on someone else? I can see how that would be annoying. like reallllllllly annoying. the next time he asks just calmly tell him again and again until he gets the point. he's only being a brother and trying to help you but he does need to understand you're not interested and stop trying to force you into things you don't wanna do. he's crossing the line a bit
I know what u mean and I keep telling him if I wanted to find a girlfriend I will find one and he knows I will wait a lifetime to be in your arms
that's good that he knows that. now he just needs to stop asking hm.
he turned round and said I didn't think you mind was still set on Leanne I told him my mind will always be set on Leanne
that's so sweet.. I get the feeling your brother does like me all that much which sucks
he's to up his own arise now he's got a girlfriend the only time me or our mother sees him is when he's hungry or need money for new shoes or clothes
don't worry about him I like/love you that's all that matter in my eyes
ohh I understand. I hope he'll come around one of these days to you guys. I love you too and you're right.. I won't care what he thinks of me
if not I will slap him til he likes you hehehe then again I don't like his girlfriend so I think he's acting like he is because of that I will speak to him tomorrow and I will let you know what he says he has never said he doesn't like you so I wanna know what he problem is
hm I don't think that would make him like me haha but thanks anyway. good luck with that and pleaseeee don't fight with him about the subject it'll only make things worse and I don't want you and your brother on bad terms
you know what could maybe be fun? doing 50 facts about ourselves that we may or may not know about each other
minor going to fight with him not any time soon besides mother will kick both of our butts hehehe
yes thats true
how's everything with home and everything
I would say things are okay. my brother just got put on some medication that seems to be working well with his behavior. I got my schedule for school yesterday and I just want school to start already the summers boring for me. my mom has been really stressed lately because of work and my brother so she's always in a bad mood these days and she takes it out on us which really sucks but what can you do. I'm also going to a slipknot and of mice & men concert pretty soon with my step dad so that will be really fun. what about you?
well my day just consisted of working did alittle bit if shopping came home and sat and watched TV with my mum until we sat down for our dinner then I went out with a couple of lads to play pool
well that doesn't sound half bad. how are you doing??
I'm good just really bored with my country
literally no one came into the shop today soo I've been sat there all day doing nothing at all I came home my mum turns around tells me she's going out for a meal with her boyfriend so I have to make my own dinner soo I've just decided to give my brother so money to get himself something to eat I'm going to go get someone from a take away and play my game for rest of night because ive had a pretty bad day so I'm in my room sulking pretty much tonight but I'm talking to you so that's a really big plus
awe I'm sorry you had such a bad day. try to keep telling yourself tomorrow will be better..I'm sure it will. customers will come eventually even if it takes a while. just like little drops of water but then it turns into a whole lot of water. that was nice if you to give your brother money though, I'm sure he appreciates it. I hope your mom enjoys herself on her date. do you like her boyfriend any better or are things worsening? I sure hope they're okay. I'm glad we get to talk you have noooo idea how much I miss you when we're not talking
my brother always gets money off me also I still don't like him but I try and get along with him for my mums sake tomorrow will be better I'm going out on a day out don't know whee yet just wanna get out if my area for abit and i also miss it we were not talking
well I hope you have fun doing whatever it is. it sounds like you need some relaxation anyways
I wanna be there with you we can both have some fun go get a nice cream or something proper and then we can go sit somewhere and talk about anything and everything
that would be the best relaxation
awe that does sound amazing. and I know the best ice cream place around that my step dad took me to. I wanna take you there. all I want is to do things with you and live my life with you
same tbh I have a friend who I play games with online they have gone to Vietnam for 2 weeks so I wanna do what he's done but with a girl well with you tbh I wanna visit everywhere with you
I do too that's my dream. I'm already saving up money. ever since I was younger it was my dream to travel the world.
I've always wanted to travel the world learn new cultures try new things and meet new people on the way and I think going around the world with you would make the experience that much more special
yes that is an amazing experience. I wanna do it with you too that would be the best thing ever
also, I was thinking of dyeing my hair again but I don't know what color, any ideas?
what color is it at the moment ? and I really wanna hear that soft voice of yours
it's my natural light brown but I get bored with it lol. I wanna hear yours as well.. so bad. it's possible one day we'll be able to skype though. I told my friends about everything that's been going on and she offered for us to skype on her phone sometime
that would be amazing and that is very very nice of her also I think darkest brown with blonde highlights maybe I don't know I'm not very good with hair colours and stuff but no matter what you go for you will look stunning
it is.. I don't know when I'm going to her house again but I'll tell you. even if we can only skype for 5 minutes I just wanna hear you and see you. awe..thank you my love. I'm thinking about purple or baby pink. my friend said grey but idk about that
well it's your choice do what you think will look best on you come to mention it I might do something with my hair it's all over the place I need it cutting styling and I want a different colour on my hair now
thanks you. if you do end up changing it tell meee and put a pic of it as your profile pic so I can see :))))
I will do my queen anything for you I got to go bed now I got to be up early tomorrow I got to go airsoft tomorrow soo I'm loading my mags and getting gear sorted out i you don't know what airsoft is it's a game which involve high powered ball bearing gun aka BB guns but these ones are very powerful so I need some rest I know you haven't done this in a while but can u leave me a really nice message to wake up to I haven't had one in a while I could really do with a nice message for you
awe goodnight my king. that actually sounds like a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy yourself. of course I can leave you a message
Nathan, you are my love. you are what I think of when it's rainy, when it's sunny, when it's windy when it's anything. for some reason everything around me screams your name. I've never felt this strongly about someone in my life. usually my feelings wear out but that's not the case with you. you're so genuine and sweet it's literally the best thing ever. I know I can trust you and I know you mean everything you say. I'm very lucky to be loved by you. you're so patient with me and so caring. you're willing to wait for me and that's more than I could ever ask for. I'm going to wait for you too. once I get out of school hopefully I'll have enough money saved up to go away with you. if I don't I'll work 3 jobs a day if I have to. you're my everything you're what I do anything for. you don't judge me, even if I'm in the wrong. you embrace me like no one else ever has. you're such a special person and I hope you realize that. you're the one I want to have a family with. you're the one I want to introduce to my family as my boyfriend. and hopefully later on my husband. I want to grow old with you but love you all the same. I want to live life with you and build memories upon memories and Cherish the laughter and happiness we have brought each other. I know you'll be such a great father. your dad would be proud of who you are today and who you've become. he raised a very good guy. I love you more than you love anime. and that's a lot haha. anyways I hope you have a fantastic day (like you deserve) and I'm sorry this is realllllly long but I hope you like it <3
that. message was amazing thank you my queen I've had a really good day soo far I'm back from where I went now I'm at my mates chilling out listening to music just waiting for his girlfriend I'm gonna play a song on guitar for her because she doesn't believe I can play like everyone I speak to after that we are going out for the day to the sea side I've got a remote control petrol car which I'm gonna race my mate with down the beach I'm using a remote control car and he is on his motorbike I think the car will win but who knows til we get there anyway enough about that Leanne you a truly the stars in my night sky your the waves to my ocean your the fire in my heart truth is there is not enough words in the world to describe how happy I am to have someone like you there to talk to to share memories with and to create memories with you would be the perfect photo album to take to the grave with and to have history with such an amazing smart and the most down to earth girl I've ever met as tbh I've had relationships where I thought maybe she is the one but they never worked out but you even thou people say having the same things in common is boring but with you every day would be different then again waking up in a different country every day would be a big difference
you'll have to tell me who wins. I'm glad you're having a good day I really am you deserve all good days. and awe that just made my day<3 you can always make me feel better thank you. you're truly amazing. my king, do you think we'll last? because I hope we do. are you really willing to wait so long for me?
like I said I will wait a lifetime for you and as for us lasting we will last As long as you say soo I can't break girls hearts
can you do me a favor though? if you ever decide you don't want me..or this tell me. I don't wanna force you into something you don't want
I will do but it will never happen so there's nothing to worry about :)
awwwe that's great to know. I'll be back in a few hours I'm about to go see SuicÃde squad with my little brother. love you and I'll be backsoon
I love you too and it not very good tbh is not the best if films
I just got out. you're right. it wasn't the best. it was just okay
hehehe I watched it the other day with a mate of mine who has wanted to watch it since he found out about it but I didn't mind it I guess I will prob get it I Bly Ray when it comes out
that's nice. I probably will too lol. my brother loved it of course
haha so did my mate I wasn't so keen but hey I wanted to each the new Independence Day but hey you don't always get what you want I wanna go watch the new Tarzan aswell that looks pretty good
I want to watch the new Jason Bourne movie. those are one of my favorites
but tbh I'd rather read books than watch movies lol
same I prefer books and games over movies any day of the week
finally someone who gets it
I alway get it I work I'm a book store hehe
true true. I would like to see that store one day. it would be cool. my friends think I'm boring because I prefer books to movies
maybe when we both come to visit I will show you let you meet the owner and everyone I know round the area also I don't see how you can be boring reading books next time they say it to you ask them why if they say all you so is sit there and read just say so what do you do when u watch a film sit there and talk thou the whole thing
that would be great. I would really love that. they say it's boring because you don't actually see things happening. I told them they have a lack of imagination
I strongly agree why watch something when you can think about it plus there the fact of more detail in book so it gives you the sense your there with the people or person in the book
yes!! and I feel like theirs more of a character and setting build up. you get personal with the characters and in your head you can make it however you want. it's just so much better
agree totally no one has ever told me how movies are better than book a because all my family are readers plus everyone I speak to reads book also soo it's not the case
ah lucky you. my mom used to be a reader but she says she has no time now. my friends are really ignorant and none of them like to read and I can't talk to them about books
well again you always have me to talk to like I said no matter how big or small I'm always here to give you advice and always down to talk about whatever your my queen and my queen need a to be listened to and heard by
I know I can and I'm glad to do so
how's your day been anyway apart from watching film what else you done
it's been okay for the most part. I'm at my dads right now and things are pretty awkward for us right now because we got in a big fight the last time we saw each other. but he took us to the mall and this ice cream place so that was nice. I know your day has been good, did you do anything else?
well apart from airsoft this morning and going out with my mate and his misses oh by the way the bike won but only by like a metre or something we came off the beach went to a pub for a drink and a bite to eat came back and chilled out I came home my mums boyfriend is staying over so me and my brother are just say on couch in my room chilling out and think of what to do tomorrow which soo far he wants to go shopping for a new pair or trainer which I said I will buy them for him I'm picking up a new game and some new gym wear stuff then I'm going swimming then I might consider going to see my friend because it's his birthday tomorrow so I think we are going into the town centre grabbing a bite to eat then prob going back to his and getting a few people round and having a party other than that I've had a really good day today and I think tomorrow I'm busy most if day but I still have time to chat to you thou it hehehe cause I'm never busy when it comes to you :p
aw man I was really rooting for you haha. tell your brother I said hello for me. it sounds like you've been having really eventful days which is nice. it's nice to have things to do. if you don't text a lot tomorrow it's okay I understand but I will miss you. my day tomorrow will be pretty boring. I'm going home tomorrow evening but my dad and brother go to church in the morning and don't get back till later so I'll be pretty bored. I don't like to go with them. oops. but oh well
I will still message you often I just might not hear my phone go off but there was more to winning it was the fact my friend spend a lot of money in his motorbike and my remote control car didn't cost a quarter as much and can nearly beat a full size dirt bike nab that's some tuning only behalf and my arms are killin from airsoft today but it was well worth it my team won which consist of 6 people me my friend my cousin and few others we had some pretty nice team work and counter attacks it was brilliant everyone there today was saying I should be a soilder or a captain or something hehe I'm not that good as or you going church it isn't for everyone and my brother said hey and how's it going also as for you being bored while your dad and brother are at church I will talk to you I don't mind alsoI weekends can be eventful it's just weekdays where I'm proper bored usually while I'm at work hehehe
I pretty much just sit there and draw or read books like at the moment at work I'm reading the new Harry potter and a book called fantastic beasts and where to find them it's got something to do with Harry potter because hogwarts is mentioned a lot in the book soo yh it's all gods
ohh okay I understand. is your friend one of those people who spend all their money on fixing up their bikes and cars? air soft sounds soooo fun. I bet you could be a solider for sure. haha but that's cool that you had a blast AND won that's always nice. I don't like the church people and I've never really had a relationship with God so idk what to think. everyone there is a fake nice and they all just bug and my dads pressuring me to get baptized and I don't want to. it's going great, tell him and what about himself? I'm glad you will talk to me you're always helping me it's sweet. you just have to make the most of what you got at work and try to make it fun :)) I think you know this but I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books or seen the movies. I've heard they're very good. what house would you be in? I saw the previews for that book as a movie and I love the actor. he was in another film I love. is it a good book so far?
the fantastic beasts and where to find them one
my bro said he's good and the book is really good and as for what house I would be in it would most likely be ravenclaw or hufflepuff for 2 reasons one they aren't mention enough in the films or book an secondly I don't wanna be like everyone else who would say griffindor and people who go to church annoy me sometimes because they are all too nice it's kinda scary and my mate doesn't spend all his money on fixing up his bike all he needs is me and a tool box he's got a kid so most of his money goes on his little girl we all spoil her rotten but she adorable so all she dad to do is look cute and she gets everything I'm going to go bed now it's like 5 in the morning I couldn't trouble you for another message could I and I will return one when I awaken from my pit hehehe
well that's good. I agree anyone I've ever asked that question has said griffindor. the other houses need more recognition. I know right!! I always think about what it's like when they go home like are they mean to their kids or what. no one can possibly be that nice forever. lol that's cool what a handyman you are. even just hearing about his daughter she sounds so so cute awe. i love little kids and babies. yess yes you need to sleep. of course I can write another it's no trouble I just hope I don't repeat myself
any time I hear the name Nathan whether it be you or not my heart always speeds up and I feel my cheeks flush. even just the mention of your name makes me feel like I'm in a love trance with you. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. not everyone may understand what our love is like and that's okay. I don't wanna share my love for you. our love belongs to us. something this powerful could not possibly be explained well enough. every time I go out and about and I see couples my heart aches for you. it aches to want to hold your hand all the time. it aches for you. being without you feels like being a zebra without its stripes wishing for that comfort and familiarity. I long for the day when it's just you and I against the world one step at a time. I'm always day dreaming about you and it makes it hard to focus sometimes because thoughts of you flood my mind like an overflowing river. I love you so so much and I hope one day I'll be able to prove just how much. I hope you have a very good day with your brother.
um hey...is everything okay..? sorry for bothering if your busy
hey for some reason it's not letting me send the last message I've been trying for last 2 days to send it
hm..idk why
how's that last couple if days been my queen and I am sorry I gavent been able to reply
it's okay it wasn't your fault. they've been okay although I have been really emotional lately. I also went to a concert last night which was fun. how about you?
went out taking my dogs to the river took our bmx a and made a ramp the weather is amazing over here so we just been getting out the house exploring other places and stuff it's been good and why you been emotional and who did you go see ???
oh that sounds really fun. I'm glad you're enjoying the weather. I saw breaking Benjamin, disturbed, Saint Asonia, and alter bridge. idk why I'm emotional tbh everything is just making me said I guess I'm like a sponge I absorb everything
disturbed and alter bridge I like not to sure on others and I'm sure there's a reason behind it weather you know what it is it not
breaking Benjamin's realllly good they're one of my favorites. do you know the band three days grace? if you do then they're original singer got kicked out and now he's the singer for Saint Asonia. I don't know what it is at the moment but I'm figuring it out. how's your day going?
I know three days grace I might have to listen to them see what they are like and you will figure it out and today is alright I guess in out with my mate and his misses we are just visiting my mates family because my family and his family have been friend since our grandfathers were kids my mum and his mum were friends and me and my friend have been friend since we could walk so we are just going thou a couple of things then we are going bowling and for a meal later on other than that I'm pretty much just chilling the rest of day
sounds like you had a pretty good day from the looks of it. how did things end up going?
I won bowling which meant loser buys meal soo my mates misses ended up paying but other than that is was an alright day how's everything over there I can't wait to meet you I kinda miss being in a relationship but waiting for you is going to be worth it I know it
that's awesome that you won. everything's pretty okay and boring. yesterday wasn't that good of a day though. I got locked out of my house then I fell and hurt myself and I went to another concert and only when we were parking did I realize I forgot the tickets so we had to drive all the way back and I felt so guilty and horrible. how is everything over there? I want to meet you too.. so bad. I'm sorry that things aren't different. that we live so far apart and have that age gap.. I'm sorry
was the concert good and who did you see this time also why did you get locked out an I hope your ok everything over here is sweet I at my mates as we speak he wanted some company and I wish there was a way to see you daily I miss your voice and that cute little smile you have
it was amazinggg I love concerts. I saw slipknot, of mice & men, and Marilyn Manson. I had to go outside to check the mail and my door slammed shut behind me and it was locked and I didn't know because I'm dumb. I'm okay don't worry. I hope you have a nice time with him. if I saw you everyday I would be so thankful.. I really wish we could but I guess the distance will only bring us closer in the future. I miss your voice as well especially that accent of yours. even just thinking about you I smile.
I know three days grace I might have to listen to them see what they are like and you will figure it out and today is alright I guess in out with my mate and his misses we are just visiting my mates family because my family and his family have been friend since our grandfathers were kids my mum and his mum were friends and me and my friend have been friend since we could walk so we are just going thou a couple of things then we are going bowling and for a meal later on other than that I'm pretty much just chilling the rest of day
sorry for some reason my phone is playing up I need new one when can we Skype I really wanna hear that angel voice of yours
it's okay no need to apologize. I'm at my friends, the one who said I could use her skype. I'm here for the next two days so we can anytime really she's fine with it. her name is Jadin long and the email is jadinfay@gmail.com
I will get it added now then
okay great. we're not home right now and idk when we will be but I really wanna skype as soon as I can. idk when the best time for you would be?
send me a message when your ready I'm not busy at all tonight
alright I will. I'm very excited
okay we're home
I'm ready to Skype if you are
okay my friend just threw the phone at me while it was ringing and said to talk to you
so I guess now is a good time for me too
ok well send me a typed message once your on and I will video call you
what's your user because it's not showing up
my real name nathan Herod or try and add me nathanherod@htmail.co.uk
okay added you
I really glad I got to talk to you I really really have missed your voice
I am too. I wish I could talk to you forever though. I never wanted to hang up. I think my friend got a little bugged though for some reason... oh well. I'm sorry we can't talk that much because of my mom. if I could change it I would believe me
it's not a problem my queen just hearing your voice was amazing and there no reason to be sorry honesty you should never apologise to me and I still think your perfect no matter what you say or do your my world and I'm never letting you go soo I guess your stuck with me for life hehehe
I apologize too much I can't help it. I'm not perfect my love I have my flaws just like the next person. I just hope you can still love me flaws and all. I'm a really weird person I just down play it a lot. what if I'm too much for you. I'm not stuck with you. I choose you. I want you. their for I'm accompanied by you for life which I love if you'll have me
I can handle weirdness because me and my mate are just as bad and if you have flaws I've not seen them yet I hope your too much for me I like a challenge I will have you and I will never let go of you. you truly are one of a kind I've never met a girl who has as much in common with me ever in my life plus your American I love how you talk you stunning funny and I like it when our shy not because you cover your smile but because you have that little puppy dog face which I find very adorable your eyes sparkle like loke the night sky and your smile could light up a thousand worlds and to be honest the wait and the distance I have to go and wait for is well and truly worth it I mean the world to me and we haven't even met face to face yet soo when that happends woow and I thought fairy tales dont exist level your name is beautiful down to the last letter your smart which I love about you. and your very very mature for your age which is a massive massive plus you don't find many people with their heads screwed on and most of all you like me for who I am not for what I can be or what I'm not I'm not the best looking guy in the world but I will cross oceans deserts and Arctic circle just to hold your hand I will face even the worst of demons just to say I love you to your face the point is if you have flaws I don't see them yor weirdness I haven't seen yet but even if I do we can bounce our weirdness off each other and be weird together I think your perfect and I'm glad I met you because you have turned my world around if only you could see how much of an impact you have had on my life you'd understand also my friend like you my family likes you and to be honest what's not to like I love you Leanne til the end of time it's self I hope you this message brightens up your day and put that smile on your beautiful face soo that the smile can lighten up other peoples day up keep strong and never give up on what you believe in your perfect In my eyes and I think that is all that counts I love you to pieces and I'm sorry for the story but you deserve every word of it.....
you've left me speechless. I love you so so so much this message made my day 100x better. I can't stop smiling I'm not even kidding. nothing can compare to you my love you're my everything. I don't even know how to reply to that because nothing can top what you just said. I really want a life with you. I'm glad you are so determined to accept me for who I am even the parts that are still hidden. I love weird. it's much more fun. thank you so much for just being you really for being here and existing. I can't picture my life without you now. your voice keeps repeating in my head like a catchy pop that you can't get out of your head. my heart yearns to see and hear you again but even more so to have your hand in mine and to hear you breathing in real life. to take comfort in your being. you're really a gift Nathan. I hope you know how much I love and cherish you. I hope you've been having a good day my king
I've not stop smily either since we came off Skype yesterday and today's been really good me and my mate have got on a train today because we wanted to heavy out this waterfall we saw it's about 50 foot and as soon as I got there I didn't wait I got undressed it my shorts on climbed to the top and just jumped my mate said to me ( your not right at all you didn't even think twice about jumping I was like yh I know then he turned around and said was you scared I said yh but you soo get over it while you falling soo he climb up to top took one look down and was like Nathan you have a screw loose soo I said nope I'm just don't scared of death plus all day I've been thinking about you so when I have you on my mind I'm not scared of anything at all but yh been good soo far we are going back to his now having a ice cold glass of Mountain Dew and the. going on a bike ride because my mates just bought a new motor bike and it's really warm over here soo a nice bike ride out for us both I guess also ca we Skype again tonight I'm staying at my house tonight so there no distractions this time
that sounds like so much fun. waterfalls are so beautiful. I'm glad you didn't get hurt though but it is fun to live on the edge and be fearless. what's the fun in being super careful? I'm also glad I have that effect on you heh. I don't know if we'll be able to skype my friends in a mood and I don't think she likes me being on her phone. I really wish I could though maybe later she'll lighten up and let me..
I agree with you I love taking risk like I say no risk no reward and I hope so
that's true
how's you day been hopfully it's been good and I couldn't ask you for a message to wake up 2 could I if not it's not a problem
it's been pretty boring tbh. I haven't done anything
everyday I spill my heart out in hopes you'll pick it back up and you always do. whether you know it or you don't you always make me feel better even by a simple hello. just knowing you exist can turn my frown into a smile. you're Something to look forward to every day. I look forward to texting you and to one day meet you. sometimes I get very fearful that my mom is going to find out and take this away from me but in my heart I know we'll always find a way back to each other. theirs this saying that goes "if you love something let it go and if it doesn't come back it was never meant to be." I think that's true. we've already lost connection and that was so scary but look at us now, we found a way to get back to each other just like we will every time. nothing can permanently take me away from you. our love can fight off any challenge it throws in our way. skyping you was really amazing. I loved to see your lips move with every word because it was real. it wasn't just texting. I could actually see and hear you speaking and that wowed me so much. to have a fluid conversation with you was amazing as well. I know you don't want me to hear you sing but I know I'll love it if one day you do decide to. I won't push you though just know nothing could change my love for you. I wish on this app you could send voice messages that would be awesome I would always send those instead and I would hope you did the same. I love your voice even though I know you think theirs nothing special about it. I think it's just so so comforting and it makes me smile. I love you a whole lot, more than Americans think British people love their tea. that's a lottttt. I hope you have another nice relaxing day of fun
OMG you just know what to say and how to say it and I love you more that Americans like their baseball and basket ball and just as muc as we love out tea (btw I don't drink tea) but tbh I really wanna meet you face to face and tell you everything I think and I wanna take you out and buy you all you want and you can take me to your favourite places like for food or where you and your friends go and also meet the lucky friend who spend their days with you and I hope you have a great day aswell my love I love you now and always
oh wow that's a lot. Americans love their sports that's for sure. I like tea haha but I like a lot of drinks. I want to meet you too and do those things. you wouldn't have to buy me anything though because all I really want is you. I don't know how my friends would react to you in person. they're really protective over me lol which I think is nice. but I'll still love you no matter what they think. you're the one for me
your friends should be protective and mine are of me I'm the youngest of my friend so I what they call the baby of the group but I'm the most mature of of them so I the brains in the group and I want take you out and give you a day to remember but I already know my friends like you
awe that's nice. it's always good to have friends that care enough to tell you their honest opinion. of course you're the smartest and most mature lol. any day with you would be so memorable
I hope so I kinda wanna get the next flight to New Mexico to come see you I really wanna meet you in person your amazing and I think your soo beautiful and I can't wait to see what a day would be like with you
I feel the same way. but you're much more amazing, trust me. the only thing that worries me about meeting you is my mom. like I don't know how we would be able to meet up because my mom has security cameras at our house and I start school soon and she's almost always home :(
it's fine I will jut wait but I do really wanna meet you like so bad I wanna make sure your safe and you have the protection you deserve I know the world can be a dangerous place I've been to places that murder is a lifestyle and it scary but I wanna keep you safe and I will I would sacrifice myself to keep you safe 1000% times over I would endure a thousand years of pain just to make you you stay happy you my queen my ruler my goddess and as light would say together we will be gods of our new world
that's so sweet. I know I would always feel safe when I'm with you. it's really relieving to here that because I get scared of people a lot. I'll do all these crazy things but be terrified of people. I'm so glad I have you to protect me it's a great feeling. i may not be able to fight with my fists and stuff but I'm good at fighting with my words so I got you in that area haha I don't want you doing alllll the work now that would be be fair <3
I on the other hand won't back down from a fight weapons or no weapons but I'm no good with word conflicts because I tend to get emotional fairly quickly so yh I might sound and act like a hard man but I soft and sweet really plus no one will ever raise their hand to you pr me not unless they want that hand broken <3<3
we level each other out then it's perfect. I don't get emotional till afterwards when everything sinks in. I start laughing though even when I'm nervous or scared I can't help it. you're probably the sweetest guy I've ever met but I'm glad you can protect me too I'm also glad you're not mean <3
I love the new hair I think it suits you I'm getting mine done on Tuesday I'm going black for now and then I'm gonna put a colour in not too sure what yet any ideas <3 and I'm never mean just for the sure fact is most people don't like me already I don't wanna gove them another reason to not like me
aw thank you. I haveee to see when it's done theirs no question about it. I think you should do a dark blue or green. but that's just my opinion <3 that's good. I hate people who are mean all the time for no reason. it costs nothing to be nice to someone. so why not do it? I'm crying right now because my brothers scaring me. he's 8 years old and he started punching himself and saying he was a bad kid and all these other bad things then he said when we got home he was gonna stab himself with a knife
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love all of you I love every aspect of you I love the way you look at me I love the way you understand I love the way you love me I love the way you speak I love your trust I love your integrity I love your fearfulness I love your goofiness I love your ways of living I love your dreams I love your thinking I love the words you speak I love you
that's a lot of love tbh and I would explain ow much I love you but I don think there is enough loves to explain you make me feel like I'm king of the world ever since I've known you I kept my head up and I've gains more friends because of the confidence you have given me which I thank you for you made me a better person not only in my self but also while I'm out I talk to people more and I'm more fearless of stepping out I use to not want to go out and explore because I the danger that lurk but now I wanna do everything I can like sky dove bungie jump swim with sharks hang glade tbh i can't thank you enough for being there and being alive and I can't wait til I meet you face to face because I know as soon as I see you I'm sweeping you off your feet and I'm never letting go
I love you my queen and we will be together forever if that is what you want
did you see my other message before that one? just wondering. it makes me So happy to hear all of those things it makes me feel good knowing I helped you in some way I love helping people. you deserve a happy life and I'm gonna try my best to help with that and all those crazy things you wanna do, I'll do them with you. I'm down for anything and all those things sound so fun. you only live once and it's a short life so why not be crazy and have fun. when I meet you I'm going to be very shy at first but then I'll break out of my shell and you'll probably see a lot of weirdness and awkwardness but you'll also see my love for you. I love you too my king and that is what I want <3
I was thinking green myself and why is your brother saying he's a bad kid ? also I'm very very happy to hear your willing to try things as for you weirdness and awkwardness won't be a problem I will bring you out of your shell
that would look rad. he's saying it because everyone's always telling him what he's doing wrong and yelling at him. it could be a side effect of his medication too. I'm happy you're happy. we can go on all kinds of adventures with each other. I like hikes too. what if you don't like my weirdness I know I can be really loud and obnoxious sometimes. what if you don't like it.. I say the weirdest things sometimes
I love will simply love you more and more
awe that's good
I will love you til the end of the world as even in the afterlife my queen can you do me a favour.....
yes of course Haha
idk if the message sent or not?
will you try and find a hair style that you think will look good on me please I know it might sound weird to ask but I ran out of idea for a hairstyle and what message
you liked it so I guess you saw it lol
and yes I'll try
yh I saw it and thank you sorry I'm not typing long messages but I'm out with y mom brother an my uncle because he's come over from Spain soo we have gone to London for the day
it's okay don't worry about it. spend time with your family. can you tell your mom I said hello? thank you. also for your hair what kind of cut are you looking for? like do you wanna keep it longer or go shorter? do you want bangs or not? lol I'm looking though
I'm not too bovered which weather it's long or short and bangs? and she said hello back and she also asked how you are keeping yourself
okay.. I'll looking. tell her I'm well and I'm keeping my head up high, ask her how she is. last night I had a dream about you
what did the dream Entail if you don't mind me asking and she's said a she alive and kicking and that she is alright she gone out tonight to cinema soo I'm home alone playing video games and watching films
In the dream you came over here to meet me and for some reason my brother was with us too and a friend of yours that was a girl. I have no idea why I put that there in my head but yeah. I was really shy and didn't say much at first but then we talked and then you grabbed my hand and it felt so perfect in yours and you kissed my hand. it felt so real and I woke up really sad because it wasn't true. im glad she's doing good. that sounds relaxing, I'm at my friend's house trying to calm her sister down
why what's happened now my queen xxxx
she didn't wanna go back to school after an appointment and she was crying so I calmed her down..
well that was very nice of you then again I never went back to school when I had appointment so I can feel her pain tbh
I guess it was.. I understand too. school isn't always a fun place
I know I stayed in school just for art drama and music are the rest is wasn't too bad at anyway I was being sent out of class because the teachers couldn't control me because I knew more about the subject than them
well aren't you smart <3 I have to stay in school and I kinda want to do I can get a good job and get into a good college. plus if I didn't my parents would be mad. I'm taking drama this year lol
sounds like you have figured out your next 5 maybe 10 year plan plus your already smart enough and drama I would say would bring out more confidents in you soo that's sounds like a good idea also
yeah I suppose to. my dad pressures me to figure out what I'm gonna do with my life. I like planning things out too sometimes.. I hope drama will help with that. that's part of the reason I chose it. we'll see... how are you?
I'm fine thanks just chilling out while I'm off work xxxxxx
oh nice
what about you ?
I'm okay I suppose. this weekend I'm going to this really cool art museum and then to an amusement park so that should be fun
I wanna come to the amusement park and what sort of art like painting sort of art of sculptural sort of art
I think a mixture of both. idk I'll let you know what it's like when I go it's supposed to be really cool. it would be so much better if you were going
I love roller coaster and cotton candy and just amusement parks anywa I've been to all 3 Disney lands
I haven't been to any lol. I love them too we went yesterday and it was lots of fun. is Disney land as great as people make it out to be?
depends which one you go 2 Florida is amazing Paris is alright and Tokyo one is the best by far because they also hae a poke park next to it
oh okay that's cool
how's everything over there anyway
it's okay I suppose. I start school up again tomorrow and I'm really nervous. how is it over there?
it's been really warm soo I've been going new place I went to Dover the other day just to get out the house no one got in touch with me soo I got on my bike and had a ride out it's the weather to go out on bike soo I have been doing
also why you nervous about school your the smartest girl I know
that does sound nice I'm glad you've bee able to enjoy yourself. I'm nervous because I really want to get good grades and not slip up and then I have to see the people who were mean to me last year..
give them a punch they will soon realise not to start with you and your gonna get good grades anyway
I can't defend myself. idk why. I can't punch people or talk back I just let things happen like I'm a human punching bag. it was a good day today
well I will defend you just give me names
and wait til I get my hands on them I will turn them Into beef burgers
awe thank you haha that made me smile. so far no one has given me problems but I will let you know
good good I will write them Down I my death note lol
lol sounds good to me
how's everything at home is your mum still off wit you ?
kind of. she just always thinks she knows what I want when she doesn't and she gets angry with me and it makes me mad
well mother are like that until you find work or go to college my mother had power over me til I went to college now she doesn't mind me thinking on my own 2 feet because she knows I will make the right choices I'm pretty sure if you play your mum and dads game just until you leave school and show them you can think for your self they will soon let you have more freedom but I don't know your parents aswell as you I'm just going off what I think
I know and you're probably right it's just frustrating sometimes. how was your day?
it's been very very good I went out with my brother and my mums boyfriend to the town for some drinks and then went to pick up my new bike I bought xxxxxx
oh that sounds very nice. I hope you've been enjoying yourself :))
slighty yh my mums in hospital she fell at work a hurt her back. xxxxxxxxx
omg I hope she's okay poor thing. is it bad?
I think soo not to sure yet test results haven't come back yet sorry I've been at hospital with her not had chance to message back xxxxxx
it's okay I understand. you've gotta make sure she's okay, I know. I really hope everything goes well i hate seeing people in pain, especially people I care about. this isn't related but I forgot to ask, did you end up dyeing your hair or no?
not yet no but i am doing as soon as everything blows over my mum should get her results tomorrow xxxx
oh okay :)) is she in a lot of pain?
yh she is an we now know why :( and it's very very bad news
what is it..? if I may ask
cx she has terminal cancer in her breast back and lungs doctors have said she has no longer than 3 months left :'(
oh my gosh.... I don't even know what to say... I'm so so sorry. I wish her the best of luck and she seems like a very strong woman so I have hope
she is really weak at the moment it's kinda killing me seeing her like that not only that there's nothin they can do there's no treatment or anything :( I've been at the hospital all the time with her Ive just come one to get some sleep :'(
I can only imagine... that's so frustrating that they can't do anything, they should at least try and do something..this must be so so hard on all of you
it is at the moment I can't stop crying knowing my mum is gonna die and I can't do anything about it but be there for everyone else I cry in my bedroom but when I'm with my brother I try and be strong for him and everyone else :'(
thank you Leanne it mean soo much for you to say such a thing
anytime Nathan.. your happiness and your families means a lot to me.. I'd do anything to help in any way
thank you
you're very welcome
no I mean it thou thank you Leanne you always make me smile months worst of days my mum asked how you was
well I'm glad I can. you deserve smiles everyday. tell her I'm doing okay, just a little drained with school stress and other things. ask her how she's holding up for me. I haven't said it lately Nathan but I love you. i love you very much and I hope you're able to keep your head High through this. you're amazing <3
I love you 2 Leanne and I will ask her for you and I need to keep my head up high for the rest of us.
well not only for everybody else but for yourself too. I know you want to help everybody but you can't forget about yourself in the process. you need to make sure you're okay too
I'm fine I just need to keep everyone else by my side I can look after my self I'm just trying to keep my mum happy while she Is in bed the nurses are very nice which I a big help and my mums boyfriend has even helping massively aswell
well I'm glad everyone's trying to make things easier for her. and I'm really glad she has all of your guys' support. I'm sure it means the world to her
she made me cry before because all she wanted was her fish and chips from the chippy xxxx I'm glad she is eating thou
yeah that is really good. what is fish and chips exactly? I've always wondered but never found out.
well fish is cod fillets in batter and chips is what you call fries I know you call chips something else what you call hips we call th crisps
ohh okay that makes sense now thanks for the explanation
no problem anytime if you ever need anything explaining don't be affaid to ask
I won't. or at least I'll try not to be, thank you. you can ask me anything anytime as well
sorry been a very tough week
it's okay I understand. take your time
I wanna talk to you thou your the only person who seems to put a smile on my face
I know.. I want to talk to you too. but I'll be here when you're not busy and things have slowed down. I'm sure your mom and family really need you right now. I'm only a text away so if you ever need me I'm here. I hope things aren't too hectic for you
at the moment nope I have time at the moment
well in that case... how are you? what's been up? I've missed you
I'm getting there I know this sounds bad me saying this but I wish she would hurry up and go evaluate I hate seein her like this ages lost a load of weight and she can barely speak she gripped my hand yesterday but she couldn't hold it for long plus I've had sleepless nights and I've not been working all this time soo everything has just gone hopeless at the moment
I missed talking to you soo bad
I understand. it's hard seeing people you care so much about in so much pain. things will pass though, they always do. sure there will still be the pain no matter what the outcome is but people learn how to cope. it's part of life and death is inevitable. your poor mom though, even hearing about it it saddens me
you should see her she's looks worst and worst ever day and I got a feeling she won't make it into next week
:( I'm so sorry
I wish I could say something more but I'm at a loss for words
it's ok like I said I'd rather it happen sooner than have her suffer I am just glad I can talk to you
right. I'm so sorry I haven't talked sooner. I've been so busy with school and everything.
it's not a problem well I've been better the last couple of days haven't been that bad but I'm glad you've replied I thought you had fallen out with me
oh no that's not the case I'm sorry. I'm glad you've been better
hows things over there
eh okay I suppose. my moms been stressed so she's in a bad mood a lot. I've been super busy with school. things aren't too bad though
good good as long as your keeping your head down and doing your best can I ask you something
of course you can
is there anyone else but me ????? if there is I wouldn't mind I'm kinda of all over the place at the moment my mum has now lefte she passed on 2 days ago with all of us around her
I'm so sorry for your loss.. she was a wonderful woman. it's so sad to hear that. and to be honest about your question... kind of. there's someone who's been catching my attention and I just idk. things are so hard right now and it's like we've been growing farther apart especially with recent events. it's hard to stay connected with you when we don't talk much at all...idk
I understand how you feel if you want the other person don't let me be the reason to stop you and maybe when your older maybe we could give it ago your my best friend Leanne you've been there though thick and thin and no body could ask for a better person in their life we will always be friends and you will always be my goddess of the new world
thank you for understanding...I'll always be here for you, always. I'm very lucky to have you Nathan
thanks hinny it's mean a lot to have a friend like you people like you are hard to come by you beautiful smart funny and you know how to put a smile on my face even on the darkest of days my mums funeral was today I hated every minute of it but it's done now now I have to look out for my brother I promises my mum I would look after him plus I'm I the middle of writing a song about her and the struggles of my life's problems soo that should keep my mind off other things and keep me on track
when you finish the song you should show me, I would like to see it. I'm sure your mom would be glad to know you're looking after your brothers and yourself too. how are you coping? you don't have to thank me, I'm glad I get to be friends with you. you're one of the greatest people I've ever met and I wouldn't ever want to stop talking to you.
everything is going better and as soon as I'm finished I will sort something out so you can hear it
well that's good to hear. thank you that means a lot
how's everything going over there I'm kinda wanna come over there as a hoilday for now look around for a house I have 2 houses to sell my own one and my mums house soo I should be able to afford a house over their surely
ehhh it's okay. stressful though, every day I come home with a migraine. what about your brothers? you told your mom you would look after them. Donald Trump just won the election and I don't like that lol. but yeah, do whatever you'd like I suppose whatever that may be
he's ok and I know about trump he's been all over the news over here and he would be coming with me
oh yeah same over here, he's all I've been hearing about it's annoying. ohhh okay
how's school and your school work coming
it's good, I'm doing pretty well in school
good good I went back to work myself today so hopefully everything should fall into place very soon but I can't wait to get over there I wanna meet you face to face and you can show me around
well that's nice. do you enjoy work? yeah that would be cool. just hard to arrange because my parents can't know
sometimes it's just boring most of the time not many people read books anymore
that's a shame. books are so underrated
I agree you learn more from books than you do from movies and word of mouth but the real knowledge is comes from your imagination you bring the book to life
exactly. I agree completely
what books you been reading recently then I've been getting my head into fantastic beasts and where to find them only because I watched it the other day at the cinemas so I bought the book today
I just finished reading "we all looked up" for the second time and now I'm going to read the perks of being a wallflower again