Turkeys are adorable 😍


Turkeys are adorable 😍

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dogs don't have as good meat as turkeys in them, but it's not wrong to eat a dog.
if they tasted good like turkey or venison, I would definitely eat them.
oh and you know PETA shut down Mepkin Abbey's (a place where nuns and monks live) chickens? those chickens were their main source of income
so you want hundreds of people to go broke just because a couple chickens were in cages??
Yes because I'm sure those chickens were abused if PETA had to go stop them
they weren't being abused. they were literally just being kept in a large cage to protect them from bad weather etc
PETA often stops people that were doing nothing wrong.
I just looked up pictures and that is animal abuse
what did you search?
Cramming way too many chickens in a small cage, in the dark with no sunlight and unsanitary conditions with disease is animal abuse
And people are animals I hope you know
yes, I know. but humans are a lot more intelligent than animals.
So you would let someone abuse a chicken but not another human being?
humans are higher than animals.
we have souls and consciences, they don't.
humans are animals if animals don't have souls neither do we
hmm your argument has no logic
don't you think if animals were as smart as us and if they had souls they would be able to tell us that??
I didn't say they were as smart as us so no of course they wouldn't be able to tell but that still doesn't change the fact that animals are as important as us
then what I eat doesn't concern you,
yet you have the audacity to tell me that I'm a horrible human being who should leave PC just because you want me to^
@c-s you finally figured it out. you're a horrible human being
IM putting words in YOUR mouth??? you wrote two long, detailed paragraphs about why I'm wrong when you have not once listened to me and let me explain why I believe what I believe. you sat there and told me how wrong my morals were without even trying to understand them. ^
so I'm just supposed to lie and tell them they're right when I know they're wrong?? in case you haven't noticed, lying is wrong. VERY wrong. The Bible tells us to say something when someone is doing wrong. I'm not gonna just gonna sit there and watch people lie about what I believe. no sane person would. ^
being nice doesn't accomplish much these days.
telling the truth is more Biblical than anything. it doesn't say anything about being nice in the Ten Commandments, does it??
not once did Jesus mention kindness. he mentioned loving God and loving my neighbor as myself.
and you are not to keep a record of wrongs against me. you are to forgive and help me, not get easily angered over truth. ^
maybe if you listened you would understand why I'm so harsh sometimes. but NO, you obviously know everything
I'm not a vegan and I don't plan on becoming one but I respect you 👍🏼 unlike soooome people