Collage by fandomsfordays


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I could never survive 22 hours
um not to be offencive or anything but if your fasting to get skinny then you shouldnt! its very bad for your health so plz dont okay!
Im proud of my body (me not sonata)
that girl is a stick... do you really wanna look like her?
honey no please eat some food that girl looks disgusting 😁😷I just threw up
sorry that was a little mean but I'm now crying literally it seems you are peer pressured just eat healthier and exercise then you'll be skinnier and healthier
that looks disgusting why would want to be stick thin you just aim to be medium, not trying to be offensive or anything
I already am medium and being that "stick thin" is pretty. you can think differently but I don't.
are u 15
no I'm 14
and OMG your friend must be so beautiful
Tbh i'm like really skinny and it's not all that good. Ppl always tell me i need to eat more and gain weight but i eat normally and its just really frustrating😪. I hate when ppl ask if im ok or something like geez its just how im like🔫. And plus u get cold all the time 😐😂
And plz dont starve yourself too much✨
yeah but your skinny so you're pretty it can't be that bad.
That doesn't make u automatically pretty tho but u have ur opinions so yeah
yes you do and it is unhealthy to be fat and no one calls them out on it every two seconds
well they do but they don't just comment it ok their post no their like oh you're beautiful 😂
someone I knew fasted for 8 days went to the hospital then she was force fed and had to get shots for nutrients she died would you rather get a horrible condition or be fine with the way you are
I don't want someone else to die because their unhappy with themselves
chill I'm not gonna starve myself for 8 days I've only ever done it for 34 hours
ok but pace yourself that's how some conditions can start
that's how I wanna look I done that before
Ive always wanted that