I need a bf who will treat me right. Who won't toss me to the side when someone shinier shows up


I need a bf who will treat me right. Who won't toss me to the side when someone shinier shows up

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what happened with you and Cody
he got pìssed over nothing and I got pìssed bc he said he likes his ex
he never got píssed he got mad when you told him bye though
I said bye bc I... omg who's side are you on
both ok
and I said bye bc I commented on the wrong post.
oh so you want to date him?
yea but he broke up with me so
he is like fxcking in love with you
I'm staying up all night are you
oh cool
me and Cody were supposed to stay up together...
wasn't he supposed to do that with t
with me and t.
oh ok when y'all broke up he through his phone and it hit the wall
I've literally cried for the past 15 min
now his phone is broken
he broke up with me so...
he thought you did
oh ok well he said fxck really loud 😂
he's mad
can I talk to him
yeah I'll give home the phone
hey it's Cody
I don't know we're my phone is
yeah so what did u want to talk to me about
I just wanted to talk to you
oh ok
yea. sorry.
what do you want to talk about
I'm done
hey it's jack Cody have me back the phone and now he's trying to punch the pillow
I want to talk to him again
he said no
will you tell him I said I love him
he said to go fxck yourself
tell him idgaf
ok cool so what else do you want t talk about
I want to talk to him. god.
he just ordered a new phone and he's getting it tomorrow
will you be on tomorrow
nope. that's why I need to talk to him now
okay this is fxcking Cody what do you want
okay wth did I do
are you really asking that question
yea. I am
your a whóre
you told me to fxck off
yea I did bc you kept getting fxcking pìssed
no I don't I only got mad when you told me to date my ex which I never even talk to anymore
Cody. you can do whatever.
that just pìssed me off bc I had just told you something only one of my there friends knows
yeah I know
do whatever.
ok bye then
...I'll miss you...
hey it's jack again how did it go
oh yeah I thought it would go that way when he's píssed he's píssed and he doesn't listen to anyone
just tell him I'll miss him plz.
I did he said he misses you
he's the only one that could make us stay but he won't so.
oh I wish I could help but I'm not Cody
yea. Ik.