Collage by internalscreamingspam


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BERNIE SANDERS: I'm feeling the Bern everyday. I support him a lot. He's had tons of experience and has been working to end racism and LGBT discrimination since the 1960s. He wants everyone to have a great education. He has plans for America, and they will be revolutionary. I've been supporting him for a year now and it's slim, but I hope he gets into office
Donald Drumph (yes that's his real name. he changed it to trump 😐)
DONALD DRUMPH: words cannot express my passion of hate for him. just the most racist, sëxist, homophobic piece of shït on earth
HILLARY OR TRUMP: I despise both, but if I had to pick, Hillary of course. She's wrong in many ways, but is better than Trump.
also sorry that was late!! I just checked this lol
I'll update you later when I come back from school :)
do u have any pets
everyone is so political and then there's me asking if you have any pets ope
what is your fav song atm??
what did I do today: I had spring pictures. then I went to the hospital for an X-ray on my back. I have scoliosis and it's nothing major but basically a part of your spine isn't aligned with the rest. I went to workout I ran a mile and did weights.
pets: no I don't :( our family isn't home most of the time bc of traveling and work. I've had fish before though.
fav song atm: idk honestly? probably anything from Marian Hill