Shoutout to Dailydoseofcute!!


Shoutout to Dailydoseofcute!!

19 0
thanks! 😘
how did you find me?
no problem! you responded for a shoutout lol @dailydoseofcute
Hey! Thanks for the shoutout again! I would love it if you joined some of my contest!
BTW, this is a great account idea! Love it!
Are you just going to do shoutouts? You could have contests and the prizes are shoutouts! Sorry! Going on a rant!
i would love to join your contest! and idk what i want to do with the account. i think i'm going to do just shoutouts for now and i will think of something when i cross that bridge :) ❤️ @dailydoseofcute
hi! @dailydoseofcute