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yes! I had a bf and we were together for four months and then I heard things that he was cheating on me, I broke up with him. he also does not always go to school. the problem is is that I still "love" this boy a lot!!! I don't know what to do.
I have a dance coming up on Friday, it's a Valentine's Day dance. I'm going single and I want to give Brigham another chance but my mom would murder me if she found out that we were back together
I'm so lost in all of this
well tell me how you two met
we met I. the fourth grade and became automatic bestfriends and have been ever since. the only difference between the two of us was that he liked me more than a friend and I liked him as my bro! I didn't start liking him like that till this year and it had been after a yr of not seeing each other cause I was at private school(which sucked) but I just recently moved to Liberty like 4 months ago
well from experience I think that you should give him a second chance
what if he doesn't like me anymore?
well you won't know until you ask him
true. thx
ur rlly kewl! u know?
thank you
no prob
do u live in Texas?
i do and I love it cause it rlly lets me be the country grl that I am