💎 heyy kweens. I know this is a bit later than usual but I have so much school work 😣 also because I haven't got any more entries to my comp, I'm going to cut it to 3 ppl per team so we can start! see ya ☁️


💎 heyy kweens. I know this is a bit later than usual but I have so much school work 😣 also because I haven't got any more entries to my comp, I'm going to cut it to 3 ppl per team so we can start! see ya ☁️

9 0
hey, round one of seasons games is out from summer_jewels! And I read the caption, srry if u have a bunch of homework! I understand! I hope I get it done soon!😊
u not I
aw tysm!
was that a compliment or for the username change?