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omg 😲 it isn't ur fault. it takes two people to make a baby. I hope you are ok!! if u need to talk to someone just ask ok!! I hope that ur boyfriend chills out and realises how great this is! good luck 😘
I'm so sorry 😐
I want you to know you can talk to me whenever I wont judge and i will listen to every word
oh.im sorry. boys are stupid and technically it's his fault but hopefully he'll calm down
I'm so sorry, it's not really your fault, it was both of you decision. I think you shod give him sometime to think about it. because it's his baby too. I think he is kinda shocked right now and scared and nervous, but you should give him sometime. he has never been responsible for a baby of his own. Just give home time. Time cures everything
if you let hem think he will come back trust me
at least that's what happens in the moviesπŸ˜•
please please remix my last post please
oh Kat, I'm sorry to hear that, that must be really horrible. don't think it's all your fault cause it's not all your fault. just give your boyfriend some time because I bet that there a happy side in him but he doesn't know how to respond to I bet you that when you told him he was kinda happy but just wasn't sure how to respond to being happy because it's a really big thing to be a parent. if your boyfriend loves you very I promise that he'll come back to you and be the perfect dad. and if he doesn't come back then that means he's just not the right one. and sometime we all have to realise that sometimes the people we think that are perfect for us really aren't. and if it doesn't work out for you and your boyfriend and your parent you can always put your. hold up for adoption but stick to what you think is best and listen to your instincts and ask about it cause that will help a lot and if you ever need help you can just text me
Stay strong. xx
You don't deserve that and it is not your fault! I can't believe your boyfriend would say that! Keep staying strong.
You don't deserve that and it is not your fault! I can't believe your boyfriend would say that! Keep staying strong.
Omg! You poor thing
poor you I hope you are ok
that jerk!! I feel sooooooo bad for you
it is okay you are a strong independent woman and you don't need any one who will treat you that way. you deserve the best and he isn't. My friend just went through something where she figured out that her boyfriend was dating two other girls that's three girls! at the same time. i told her he was a jerk and that she can do anything. now I tell you the same thing you are an amazing awesome person and you can do anything! Love Christ_Child