bored just chilling anyone wanna chat especially babe~Lola


bored just chilling anyone wanna chat especially babe~Lola

19 0
not much
im sorry
yeah im fine now
nope not yet
sorry i was watching a video
thats good
yeah sorry im just like really tired and im thinking of who i should go with
i know i love you
i will always love you
oh hes all of a sudden in love with Kasey thats why he is being different
yeah its good cause now he is bothering her
and i love you
i love you more
yes i do
and your my everything
i know
yeah i am
not much just sitting on my bedroom floor
not really im just playing with my hair while looking in the mirror
lol its just something us girls do i am just bored
aww thanks babe
i love you
always will