Collage by mistAkes_


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i can’t
it’s an addiction...d-does Lance hate me? can you tell him i’m sorry..
i can’t Jungkook...i just can’t *covers my face with my hands* i tried..i just cant.
^^im so sorry..he blocked it. not me. when he told me i told him not to and he said too late...i honestly feel horrible. he was having family issues..and he couldn’t deal with things...he is still rarely on.
JUNGKOOK NO!! *gently tackles you and pins you down* No! i’m not worth it now stop! *trys to grab the blade*
OMFGGG!! Jungkook!! really?!!! *walks away*
i mean...he isn’t wrong so...^^
J-Jungkook?! *runs over to you* Jungkook no!! *grabs a towel and puts it on your cuts* it’s gonna be ok..
no Jungkook!! *cries and calls 911* please!!
I won't hurt her I promise