PLZ ENTER MY CONTEST!! Luv u guys! -Cupycake


PLZ ENTER MY CONTEST!! Luv u guys! -Cupycake

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I'm sad that they left, but I think we should just keep it that way. I mean, --Variety-- left because she's addicted to this app, and if she gets it again, she'll be addicted to this app again. They have their reasons and made their choices, and we should just accept it. I'd love for them to come back, but I think that'll be selfish, and they're doing this for themselves. I'm sorry if I offended you or sounded rude!! It'd be better if they made an account during summer break, winter break,etc. Again, I'm sorry if I sound really rude or if I offend you. You just want to bring them back on PC and I'm giving a HUGE rant.
and if you do make an account, it should be called a mix of their account names. so like" --The fault in our variety of cupycakes--" ... 😬😳that was horrible.
1) naw it's okay 2) that's actually pretty good! very creative!
all-together- idk I am not great with names:))