I had to wait in line for 3 hours-but it was totally worth it!!!


I had to wait in line for 3 hours-but it was totally worth it!!!

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He came to my state this week!! I was so excited but he went to the university three hours from me :( Donald Trump came last night🙄
trump was like 300 meters from me because I live right next to the airport >:(
why is a socialist your hero?
Well he's not a socialist. He considers himself a democratic socialist. Democratic Socialism takes both elements of socialist AND capitalism to make a more democratic society. In his own words, it means that the top 1% shouldn't more wealth than the rest of us combined. Not that everyone should have the same amount of wealth, just that we need to start taxing billionaires their fair share. And trust me, you could still be filthy rich, but it would just help the rest of us out too. And a lot of his proposals, like single payer healthcare and free college, are being done in basically every other first world country, and as a result, they have a higher standard of living. Another big thing he stands for is for getting money out of politics. Whether you like it or not, the government is owned by special interests. You think when Wall Street gives millions of dollars to our politicians, that they are going to be able to break up the banks and prevent another recession? Of course not. Corporations shouldn't own our government. And I support Bernie Sanders because while I want to work in government when I get older, I don't want to have to beg rich people, and have to go against my principles to do their bidding, in order for me to be elected.