HP RP, anyone? I call Hermione :3 cuz she's my spirit animal


HP RP, anyone? I call Hermione :3 cuz she's my spirit animal

24 1
*trying to get Hedwig to calm down*
*walks into train in awe* *opens compartment* you're HARRY POTTER!
*gaping at harry* you shouldn't be nervous! you know we love you!
*hedwig flaps her wings rapidly in the cage* Hedwig stop!
do you really have the scar?
*sits down across from Harry* hedwig? that's a beautiful name, *pets hedwig* for a beautiful girl,
*looks at harry* yeah, do you? *looks at ron* do you know Harry?
*moves my mop of hair out of the way of my scar* *you see the scar*
*gaping at harry* its real! you're real!
Yeah..... my uncle Vernon said that I got it when my parents and I were in the car crash.. that's how my parents died... it's nothing special
Harry, your parents didn't die in a car crash... don't you know?
surely they wouldn't told you, right?
they didn't?
how did they then?
*gaping at you* you really don't know?
I can't believe it! you are Harry Potter!
I think when Hagrid visited he said something about Voldemort..
Shhhhh!!! don't say his name...
Why not?
Harry, your parents were killed by he who must not be named! do you know why you have that scar?
No.. not really... does it have something to do with Vol- with he who must not be named?
Harry, he tried to KILL you! but you survived!! your famous because of it, you know?
you managed to survive he who must not be named. nobody survives.
I've noticed..
*sweets cart lady comes by* want anything?
Is that why everywhere I go people are whispering and pointing?
Um.... *doesnt know what any of this is*
Yes, Harry! you're loved! you're famous!
*looks at sweets lady* three chocolate frogs, please. Harry, red head, want anything? (pearl is gone so imma fill in for her) Ron: Harry? you have any cash... *blushing*
Oh, yeah! Hagrid opened my savings from my family for me *brings out a bag of wizard money
*gaping at harry* how many galleons have you got there?
The big ones? Loads (gtg now bye ttyl)
whoa! *admiring your galleons*
*pays for all of our treats*
thank you! *hugs you* sorry, it's kind of awkward I suppose, taking it we just met.
*blushes slightly* Its fine
so how long have you two been wanting to come to Hogwarts? I've been dreaming of it since I was just a little girl! Ron: I've never really dreamed of it, but I've known about it all my life... I have lots of older siblings.
I never knew of it until Hagrid visited me a few days ago *opens a chocolate frog*
*gaping at you* you're so lucky to be coming! I'm assuming you didn't even have to apply, they just picked you because you're famous!
they sent at least millions of letters because my uncle Vernon just ripped it up when we got it, I never got to see them until Hagrid arrived... I lived under the stairs...
that's TRAGIC! I don't think I have any respect for your uncle!
I mean, THE Harry Potter?
without Hagrid I wouldn't be here...
they treated me like garbage while they treated Dudley like a king...
that's great! Hagrid thought right to pick you! because oh Harry, you're more amazing then I imagined!
Dudley? who's that?
my annoying cousin
*laughs* no need to blush, Harry, I'm just telling you you're nice, that's all.
your annoying cousin? ah, your uncles son.
I'm not used to being around people, is all
you're not used to being around people? *laughs* I'm assuming... well I KNOW they sent you to school. what horrible parents they would be to take away a child's education!
no... they didn't.....
*gaping at you* you're LYING!
no... I never went to school...
Harry, that's terrible! what's... what's 867 divided by 3?
uh.......... what?
you do know what division is, right?
not really
does it have to do with math?
yes, Harry. and the answer is 289. that's truly horrifying that your "parents" wouldn't even consider it!
like I said they treated me like garbage
the way they treat you, I'm surprised you even know what garbage is! *laughs and cleats throat* sorry. *unwraps a chocolate frog and drops it before I can eat it* HOGWARTS!
*laughs* Here you go *hands you one of mine*
*takes it and eats it slowly* look at it, Harry! isn't is marvelous?
what? the frog?
no, silly! Hogwarts! *points*
*looks out the window* OH!!!! (lol I'm so dumb 😅)
It's amazing!
hey,we are finally here!
*laughs* it's ok, Harry... taking it you only found out about Hogwarts a few days ago, I wouldn't expect you to know what it looks like!
Its extraordinary! *doesnt look away from the window*
I know, isn't it? *hogwarts express stops* *squealing* we're here! *clears throat* pardon me...
*laughs a little*
*steps out of the train*
Hagrid: first years with me! all yer first years, over here!
*waves at Hagrid* Hagrid!!!
*runs at Hagrid* I'm so exited to be here! where are we going? what are we doing first!
Hagrid: hermione, is it? yer very exited, I take it. Harry, my boy. *pats your back*
*almost falls over*
Hedwig: *makes high pitched noises*
*catches Harry* *whispers in your ear* he's just trying to be friendly
Harry: I know Hermione.... Ron: *smiles vaguely* Hello Hagrid..... Scabbers stop! *grips my pocket*
*looks at ron and screams* what in the world have you got in your pocket?!
Ron: My rat, scabbers.... Harry: What?!?
Ron... you've got a pet RAT?! why in the world do you need a pet rat?
Ron: It's a hand me down... just like all of me other stuff.... it's my version of an owl
(bye sorry I leave a lot...)
that's nice. but... how are you sending your mail without an owl? what, is your rat supposed to scatter off carrying a letter on its back?
Ron: In his mouth, thank you very much Harry: *getting on the boat with the others*
*shaking head and gets in the boat* this is amazing! I can't believe we're going to Hogwarts, right now!
Hagrid: yeh, yer gonna have a good time.
Harry: *cant stop smiling* Ron: *trying to get scabbers to stay still*
stop fussing over that silly rat, you two! I'll take that rat and throw it in the water if you can't get it to stay still!
*makes a face at Hermione*
(that was Ron)
hey,we are on a boat!(yeah I know I'm a bit of an idiot)
(ok you're just Harry now.) ah! don't you go around making faces at people! (people who could end up marrying you!😂) you have a filthy rat in your pocket, for goodness sakes!
*is watching Hagrid get on the boat* I'm surprised we aren't sinking...
Hagrid: will yeh two stop yer fighting?
Hagrid: *looks at harry* Harry, are yeh insulting me weight?
no! from all the kids on this small boat!
There are so many that Im surprised that all our weight together isn't to heavy for this boat!
Hagrid: *laughs* you ain't done nothin wrong, Harry. don't be fraid... *looks down at himself* but I am kind eh heavy...
Hermione: *gets in the boat and sits by Harry*
Harry *smiles*. Ron: *gives up on scanners and sits on the other side of harry*
Hermione: *squealing* I'm with Harry Potter and... *looks at Ron quickly and decides not to* and... and we're on our way to Hogwarts!!!
Hagrid: *elbows Hermione* and yer with Hagrid,
Harry: *blushes slightly*. Ron: *eats a chocolate frog*
Hermione: Harry, stop it, it doesn't mean anything! but how would you feel meeting your idol!
Harry: Like I said, I'm not used to getting attention like this!
I've been locked in under he stairs all my life!
Hermione: right, right... sorry... pardon me...
Harry: Were almost there!
Hagrid: *laughs* yeh two er gonna make a great couple one day.
(I know it's Harry and Ginny and hermione and Ron tho)
Hermione: *stares at Hagrid*
Harry: Hagrid!
Ron: *doesn't say anything*
Hagrid: *laughs* ok, ok. we'll wait to bring that up for a few years.
Hermione: please do, Hagrid.
Harry: It's huge! *looks at Hogwarts* (bye sorry)
Hermione: *looks at Hogwarts* *squealing* these are going to be the best seven years of my life! sleeping, studying, eating, sleeping, studying, eating!!!!
Harry: Seven years?
Hermione: yes, Harry, seven years...
didn't you know when you signed up for -- right.
Harry: *smiles* Yes! the longer I'm away from the Dursleys the better!
(Harry's smile is freaking adorable in the first one.. and it never changes so that's amazing 😍)
Hagrid: good for yeh, Harry... positive attitude.
Ron: *chuckles*
Hagrid: all right, all yeh first years, follow me. *gets out of the boat with the others*
Harry: Hagrid, does Dudley still have his tail?
(I know dan was so cute as a kid!)
Harry: *follows Hagrid*
Hagrid: *shaking head* it should have worn of by now.
Hermione: *following Hagrid in awe*
Harry: Aww.. okay Hagrid *walks into Hogwarts*
Hagrid: *laughs* a little of that every once in eh while be ok... but don't keep it up, you'll be a slytherin!
Harry: *looks confused*
Hermione: *follows them into Hogwarts and falls over in awe*
Hagrid: *clears throat* Slytherin, is home to theh students who exhibit traits such as cunning, and ambition... or yeh could just say bad wizards.
Harry: *catches Hermione* Hermione! are you okay?
Hermione: yes, Harry, extraordinary!
I'm completely extraordinary!
*lifts you back up to your feet*
(do you mind being Ron too I think pearl may drop out.) *still gazing around in awe and following Hagrid*
Hagrid: *laughs* yeh, it is pretty amazing, ain't it!
Ron: *in awe*
(who's doing dumbledore?)
(uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............. idk.....)
(uhhhhhhh...I can do him I guess, wanna do mcgonagall?)
(sure..... but I was thinking that this was kinda getting really confusing.... that's also why I leave for periods at a time)
(what? u mean with characters?)
(everything...... in my life... I'm just under a lot of pressure and stress irl and I'm emotional and pc on top of it is confusing enough)
(oh, I'm sorry, I'm not meaning to pressure you...)
(you can drop out if u need to)