On my old account, --cherrysprinkles--, she and
I where friends. We talked like everyday on
piccollage. Then one day we knew and trusted
each other for a while. So I shared my password
with her. Then a few days later I went to
Disneyworld for 5 days. When


On my old account, --cherrysprinkles--, she and I where friends. We talked like everyday on piccollage. Then one day we knew and trusted each other for a while. So I shared my password with her. Then a few days later I went to Disneyworld for 5 days. When

4 1
no suprise
kinda sound like something she would do tbh..
.... idk if I can believe this or not, she is mean and she throws fights for no reason at all, I remember gamer wolf throwing and party and she was inviting people, Sophie wasn't invited, she got in a fight with gamer wolf, and she told her mom, I don't hate Sophie I just dislike her because she's an liar
I'm sorry about that, but starting hate won't fix any of that. Don't you understand how cycles of revenge work?
You're going to be spending so much time wasting away at something that will never be the same. If it was me, I'd leave it. Just leave it alone. I wouldn't do anything. That would be mature, and if you think she isn't mature then lead by example.