okay fun fact: onision is a fxcking awful human being and u can get out of my face with that 'but hes so cute i love him hes so honest!1!1!1' bc hes not honest hes a cheating pìssbaby and thats the truth not his vegan bullshìt propaganda he's selling (i h


okay fun fact: onision is a fxcking awful human being and u can get out of my face with that 'but hes so cute i love him hes so honest!1!1!1' bc hes not honest hes a cheating pìssbaby and thats the truth not his vegan bullshìt propaganda he's selling (i h

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dämn straight mf i hate him
[cont] have absolutely nothing against vegans i think they're lovely except for this one)
i hate him too he's a dīckbag
oh so he's the YouTube version of trump
tfw youre a lowkey Onision fan :P but im not one of those super fans that defends Greg which all honor. im like welp he kinda cool ig
yours too.
^ same. I enjoy most of his content, but I definitely don't agree with everything he says.
^^agree with the above. sometimes what he says is true, but sometimes he's just harsh and kinda mean
literally I want to preach this from a mountain top