


21 0
hey -Jake
hey hotshot!
we're up if you guys are on
yeah we r but we might go off soon we have visitors soon
ohh ok
yeah hru guys?
good! *smiles at you* -j
I've been better i guess *shrugs* -t
that's good *smiles* -n
oooh look at them two -c
I've been better -t
I missed you -j
*giggles* -r
Don't worry tori -RY
I missed u to -n
hey Ryan!! -t
*bites lip* soooo -j
hey Ryan! -t
remember happy happy happy! -c
I will *smiles* thanks to you 3 *laughs* -t
sooooo... -n
hai! -r
something's not right here *looks at n and j* -c
yeah it's... the thing is... well... -j
ooooo drama!!!! they have a secret! -t
yeah...thing...um... -m
mhm and they have to tell us *folds arms* -r
*folds arms and hands tori and ryan sunglasses then puts them on* spill
it's just that.... well we watched a scary movie *laughs nervously* and I got scared, and I didn't want to look weak, so I made Nya swear to keep it secret! -j
yeah... *laughs* -n
*looks at c and t* -r
do we believe that?-c
I do!! *smiles* -Tori
thanks Tori.... -j
ok then we do too! -r
jakes a scaredy cat! *laughs* -c
thnx guys... -n
you caught me!! *laughs* -j
*laughs* -r & c
*laughs nervously* -n
sooo how was your day *puts hands in my pockets* -j
good so far. wbu? *fidgets* -n
how's it going tori? -r
happy happy happy! -c
it's been ok, I talked to zach, I didn't get out everything I wanted to say, but that's ok! -t
it's been... well let's just say interesting. -j
I won't ask further *smiles* -n
aww I'm sorry honey *hugs u* -r
it gets better... -c
thanks guys *smiles sadly* it's just a made a huge mistake, and now I have so many things to say to him... but he doesn't want to talk to me. I can tell -t
thanks Nya *smiles a little* it's been tough. -j
I'm here for u -n
he does it's just the boys r really busy -r
yeah we barely get to see him. -c
that's too bad: but I won't dwell it oh well! -t
I just don't know what to do or say or think anymore Nya... -j
well...can u give u something to think about? it's a question nothing personal just a question -n
*smiles* do u guys know anything about Ty recently? -r
u guys want anything to drink? -c
i would love just a water please, and sorry Ryan, he hasn't talked to either of us. I want to hear from him too. -t
and Nya what would that be? -j
*grabs water and orange juice* here! *tosses it to u* -c
oh *looks down* -r
okay so... imagine a cupboard. two door okay? on one door it says "the other door is true" then on the oter door it says "the other door is false" what does that mean?
aw cràp a riddle. maybe like double negative or something. I would open the false one. -j
sorry Ryan... *catches the water* thanks! -t
*laughs* I just wanted to see what u said. it is said 70% people swear because they can't figure it out😂 -n
it's okay *sighs and walks past coral then takes her orange juice* -r
ohhhh *laughs* I thought it was gonna be like a life lesson or something -j
I can try and make I to a life lesson.... *thinks* -n
hey! oh well +grabs another* -coral
*laughs a little and sits down* hey zachs not home now is he? I sound crazy probably! -t
I believe in you Nya! -j
well if we take your answer about negativity.... if u open the wrong door it could lead to negativity and regret...open the RIGHT door and you get the correct answer in life....that's the secret of life but There's lots of em
he should be soon -c
I like it *laughs* very wise -j
he comes back from work late. he starts working at 7 after school till 9:30 -r
that's good, I probably sound desperate don't i? -t
no u don't -c
u any sound as desperate as I do! -r
yay! *claps and laughs* -n
don't worry Ryan you're just worried! -t
you're not too bad at life lessons! -j
aww thnx I do try to give them away. I should do a billboard with this face on and a quote *pulls a weird smiling face*
ig...same with you tho right? -r
do u guys drink? like drink drink? that sounds weird *laughs* -c
oh we definitely "drink drink" *laughs* -t
yeah exactly same with me- t
oh imagine the feedback you would get *laughs* and hèlls yeah coral! -j
*laughs hard* we all do except Cupid she's weird -r
*scoffs* u don't have to say that twice! why coral?
I was thinking we could go to this party across the street it starts in half an hour but what fun will it be if u for drink? -c
*laughs* well I'm up for it if all of you are! -t
I'm in! I definitely need to do something I'm boredddd -j
I'm in! ~r and n
cool get dressed! *wears short black dress* -c
okay and sameee! *wears a red short top and mimi skirt* -n
got it! *throws on a black short skirt and a blue tube top* -t
oh uh I don't know if anything will fit me since I'm....big.... -r
I'm good with what I'm wearing *laughs* -j
*laughs* -c
*smiles and let's hair down into curls then puts on lipstick and walks out* I never wear make up why the hèll have I now?! -n
*laughs* OMG Nya! -r
aww Ryan you'll look gorgeous in anything! -t
you look fine ry don't worry about it -j
aww thnx! I'll throw something on... *wear a blue dress* -r
okay u all ready? -c
coral what about your footwear? -r
I'm ready as I'll ever be! *smiles* -t
it's either bare foot or trainers... no high heels! -c
I'm ready all right! let's head out!! -j
TRAINERS! everyone will pass out if u have bare feet! -n
*puts on trainers* let's goooo!!! -c
let's go *walks out* -r
*struggles to walk out in heels* ugh heels! hang on. *whispers* sorry Dyl... *breaks the heel so it's shorter and walks normally* there we go!
*laughs and follows Ryan* so coral is this party gonna be fun? -t
*runs outside* I am so excited! -j
DUUUH! you dance and drink then at the end there is a karaoke so maybe if Ryan and Nya want to...they will get up on the stage. -c
down boy! *laughs* -r
yay!!! *smiles* I wanna get drunk!!! *laughs* -t
*chuckles and walks besides jake* calm if u walk in exciter you'll get attacked *laughs* -n
let's get them drunk enough, I bet they'll sing. -j
I can tell -c
I'll chill out don't worry! *laughs* -j
what? -r and n
nothing nothing -j
Ryan loves singing it's Nya u need to get drunk if u want her to sing to her full potential -c
good! -r
it better had been nothing nothing *laughs and shakes head* -n
it was I swearrrr! and I'm on it coral! -j
we're here!!! yay! -t
whoop okay and walks in together to look cool! *walks in with u guys and everyone dances to loud music* -c
MKay hotshot! *laughs and walks in* -n
ooh I love this song *laughs* -r
*smiles at you and walks in* Nya you wanna dance? -j
I'll be at the bar! -t
yeah I'd love to! *smiles and walks to the dance floor when they out a slow song on* -n
imma go dance I think I just saw my friend from Hawaii *laughs and walks over to her* -RY
have fun but not too much tori! *laughs and dances with a group of boys* -c
*walks to the bar with tori* man if only he was here
you still wanna dance Nya? I'm up for anything with you -j
I know what you mean *laughs* -Tori
yeah. I kinda got coral to pay the jd for this anyway! *shrugs and smiles and puts my arms around your neck* -n
*laughs and grabs a drink* -r
*keeps dancing in the middle and one of the boys tries to make out with me* woah dude! party started an hour ago u drunk or weird? -c
aww how sweet *smiles and holds you close* -j
*laughs at coral and grabs a beer and takes a sip* -t
*sways from side to side and blushes* yeah u r lucky I'm wearing make up and girly stuff rn otherwise if have a thing or two to say about the sweet comment *laughs* -n
*takes a sip* she is very ruthless I don't think any of these boys will catch her attention....wait never mind she's already kissing! *laughs* -r
*laughs and dances then kisses a hot guy* your cute!
I'm jealous *takes a sip* I don't know how she does it but it doesn't come as easy to me -t
*chuckles* well you look beautiful *smiles* -j
oh yeah it's your technique! move all your hair to one side -r
thnx... u look really hot *bites lip and smiles but keeps swaying to the music* -n
*dances* -c
*moves my hands to your waist* oh do I? -j
got it *smiles and moves my hair and takes a big drink* -t
mhm *nods and smiles* -n
okay now sit up straight but sexily and I will stop talking to you and you just look around for a cute guy and someone will appear! *smiles and turns* -r
*he kisses me again* -c
wish me luck *laughs a little and sits up straight and takes a sip* -t
*kisses your forehead* I'm so glad you're here with me -j
me too. I'm happy that I'm dancing with u and not some randomer *smiles*
good luck! *turns and drinks when a hot guy walks up to u and asks u to dance with him* -r
*keeps kissing* -c
exactly *smiles and twirls you around* -j
*smiles* absolutely. *winks at Ryan and gives a thumbs up* -t
*twirls around and chuckles a lil* this is fun! *smiles* -n
*smiles at you then he takes your hand and he slow dances with you* -r
especially since I'm with you *smiles at you* -j
*smiles* hi I'm Tori -t
same with you *smiles and another slow dance comes on but slightly fast ish* -n
hi I'm Jason (idek😂 random name) you're beautiful! *he dances with u and I take a sip* -r
aw thanks Jason (not bad😂) *blushes* -t
*holds your hand and spins you around* -j
*smiles and spins out and in^ -n
(thnx😜) *smiles and he dances* np tor... can I call u that?
yeah sure... call me whatever you want *smiles* -t
*lifts you up and spins you around* -j
ok *smiles and he spins you* -r
*giggles* wow u never told me you where a good dancer! *blushes*
this is fun! *laughs and hiccups cause I'm a little drunk* -t
it all depends on the partner I think *winks and smiles* -j
*smiles and blushes harder* -n
*laughs* u drunk? that was a stupid question! -r
obviously *giggles and dances* -t
*take your hand* wanna go outside and go for a walk? -j
yeah sure *smile and walks out*
*laughs* don't kill me *kisses you* -Jason
sooo *walks next to you* that's some party in there -j
*laughs* it's ok! that was fun actually! *giggles and hiccups again*
yeah it's wild *wind blows myhair*
oh rlly? *kisses u*
I have an idea to make it even more wild *smirks* -j
*kisses you back and puts my arms around your neck* -t
oh yeh wars that?
*puts hands on your hips*
this *kisses you softly* -j
*kisses back* -n
*hiccups and runs my fingers through your hair*
*smiles and kisses harder*
*picks you up and kisses you* -j
*jumps up and wraps my legs around you*
*keeps kissing and plays with your hair*
*plays with your hair whilst kissing*
I love you so much Nya.. -j
you're good at this *giggles and wraps my arms around you* -t
I love u so much more hotshot! *smiles*
I've had practice.... *laughs* have u?
doubt it *kisses you harder and sits down on the grass* -j
*sits in your lap and kisses* I do!
a little *laughs and hiccups* -t
prove it *kisses you harder and lays down with you* -j
*laughs and smiles*
so.. um.. im not very good at this.. but you wanna go upstairs or something? -t
MKay...I'll try...well I have loved you ever since I met u *kisses hard and lays with u under the stars*
you win I suppose *outs my arms around you* for now -j
yeah... hang on *drinks a lot of beer quickly and walks upstairs hiccuping*
*smiles* I love looking at the stars. they're so pretty
*giggles and follows you up* so now we're both drunk-t
yup there no control here what sievert *hiccups and laughs*
not as pretty as you *kisses your nose* -j
*giggles and sits on a bed* that might be fun-t
*blushes and smiles*
ya think? *laughs*
*kisses you softly* I love you more than anything else -j
ooh is that beating me? *smiles* I love u more then anything I can promise that *pecks your lips*
*hiccups* soooo what now? -t
girls choice 😜
I think I may have won this round *pulls you close and smiles* -j
how about this? *kosses you and falls back on the bed* -t
*smiles* oh okay! (gtg sleep so sorry for schl in morning)
*kisses hard^ (gtg night guys😘)
night😘😘tty tomorrow!!! we have no school so we will be up late and on all day tomorrow