Save homeless children😓


Save homeless children😓

12 1
u on still?
okay lol u just weren't talking so I thought u left
I didn't
wanna play truth or nah
okay ladies first
Kk hmm what's ur favorite song
BTW I'd absolutely love to see u in person
I would love 2 see u in person 2
my favorite song would have to be
I'm So Fly: Lloyd Banks
Is that ur favorite rapper/singer
well I have 2 50 Cent and Lloyd Banks
I like nicki minaj
And Demi Lovato
yah she's good
okay my turn uhh is it true that u ever sent nudes (I'm not trying to be a PERV just asking cuz ppl ask me all the time)
No and I never will I'm not that kinda girl
okay good! 😊
My turn how old r u
My turn how old r u
I'm 14 hbu?
I'm 16…is that ok
yah if it's okay with u?
Yah it's okay
I'm sorry
4 what
but I can't date u it's just it's doesn't seem right after what's happening with Emma and shît I'm really sorry😓 I just can't do it rite now I get it if ur mad at me 😞
I'm really sorry! 😞😞😞😞 I just can't rite now
there's too much stuff going through my head, I'm stressed out as hèll I can't do it I'm sorry I'll leave if u want me too😞
I'm not I get it u just need more time that's all I understand
okay thank u for understanding
u can still love me and all but I can't do the whole dating thing
Ur welcome
And it's ok
oh my gosh