I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.


I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.

23 0
^^ nope
ha that's okay. and eh not really but thanks for asking :)
thanks sm. I thought of that, but all my sports bras are girly... ugh. I’ll have to deal I guess
that question was mostly for later, anyway. I think if I wear a thick enough shirt, I can still get away with nothing..,
heh, thanks
re:// oh you do?
thanks! I'm trans panromantic asexual
Lol same I was reading this book about a FTM and related so much... but I still feel like a girl sometimes
I’m not out to my parents, just my bf and 2 close friends
I REALLY want a packer (I’m using a washcloth and a homemade STP lol)
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