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I'm gonna be the new girl at school and when I come into the class you end up falling in love with me
Cool. I like it.
should I start?
* the teacher says that there's a new student *
*Sits at desk and looks at door*
* I walk into the classroom *
*Looks at you*
* Looks at you also *
*Looks down and waits for teacher to introduce you*
* he says " everyone this is Kate, she loves the band Black Veil Brides, she only dates girl, she writes songs for a living and if you wanna know more about her feel free to ask away " *
* I smile at you *
*Almost blushes. Raises my hand*
* the the teacher asks you " what do u need " *
I can show Kate around.
* he says " Yes you can " *
" he says " When class ends " *
* I sit in desk next to you *
* Smiles and blushes *
*Looks to front of room*
* I start listening to some Black Veil Brides music *
*Looks at clock*
* The bell rings and I walk outside the classroom *
*Smiles and walks out room*
* A group of people start talking to me *
*Waits outside room*
* they walk off *
Hey, Kate.
Want me to show you around?
Yea, Thank you
Cool. I'm Keely.
Nice to meet you Keely
Nice to meet you too, Kate. *Walks down hallway*
* Walks with you *
Lockers. Do you have one?
Not yet
Want one?
I'll take you to the reception later if you want then. *Walks by dinner hall* Dinner hall.
* Looks at you and I try not to blush *
*Smiles* Um.. This is the library.
* I start blushing as I look at you *
* Looks at you * Keely...
when does other class starts
15 minutes.
oh, ok * I try hard not to say what I really wanted to say *
*Smiles. Walks by gym* Gym. Maths and English on first floor, science and history on second, others on third and fourth. *Shows you main staircases*
* Smiles at you *
*Smiles* Questions?
No questions * Blushes *
What class do you have next?
Same! Do you have friends here yet?
Sadly, I don't have a friend here yet * my eyes starts to tear up *
I'll be your friend *Smiles*
* Smiles and hugs you * Thank you
*Blushes* Cool.
Can you come with me into the girl bathroom so I can put on my black lipstick on my lips
Oh, yeah. Sure.
Thanks. * walks in the girls restroom *
*Walks behind you*
* I look in the mirror as I put on my black lipstick on my lips *
*Waits for you*
* I finish and I put the black lipstick in my backpack *
* Smiles *
Time for maths.
Ok, * I walk out the girls restroom *
*Starts walking to classroom*
* Walks with you *
*Walks into classroom*
* Walks in too *
* a kid tells a kid " If you love someone tell them cause one day could be too late *
Hey, Kate.
* Looks at you * Yea?
I know we just met but we should meet after school. You wanna?
Yea, I'll meet you after school
Cool. *Class starts*
* Smiles at you *
*Smiles back *
* Blushes * How about we skip school today
*Laughs* Okay.
* Smiles *
But we're already in class..
I know, we're already in class
How'd we skip?
we could tell the teacher that we don't feel good
Alright *Raises hand*
* the teacher says " what do you need " *
My stomach hurts.
* I tell him that I feel dizzy *
Can I go to reception?
* I stumble out of classroom *
*Looks to door *
* I walk outside the school *
*Meets you outside*
* Smiles at you *
*Smiles back*
* Blushes *
Where should we go?
You pick * Smiles *
*Thinks* I guess we'll go to town.
*Smiles and walks out*
* Smiles and our hands accidentally touch as we walk *
*Looks at you*
* Looks at you too *
*Looks away*
* Does the same *
*In town*
* I look at you * A boy told me that you needed to tell me something. Keely is that true?
*Looks at ground* Idk what he's talking about.
* Looks at you * It's okay to tell me
Maybe later *Smiles*
* Smiles * Okay
*Looks up*
* I look at you and I smile *
* Blushes *
*Sits on bench*
* Sits next to you *
So what do you wanna do?
I don't know
Wanna go get something to eat?
nah I'm good, I'm not hungry
Wanna go buy band merch?
Sure * Smiles at you *
Cool. What shop?
Hot Topic
Awesome *Stands
* Stands with you *
* As we walk into Hot Topic we realize that the BVB song Rebel Love Song is playing on the radio *
* Looks at you and smiles *
*Smiles back*
* I blush *
Let's go out a sec.
Okay * Walks out with you *
*Looks at you and blushes*
* Smiles and blushes *
K. *Mutters* I like you lol
* I hold your hand and I smile * I like you too
*Looks up and hugs*
* Hugs you *
* Smiles *
So what now?
* I kiss you slowly *
* Smiles and Blushes *
* Holds your hand * What do you wanna do now
Go home. With you.
* Smiles * Okay
*Heads home*
* Blushes
* Smiles *
*Gets home*
* Opens the door for you *
* Smiles *
*Goes inside and sits*
* Closes the door and sits next to you *
So, what happens now?
I don't know * I hold your hand *
* Smiles *
*Sits back*
* I put my arm around you *
* Smiles *
* Hugs *
* I hold you in my arms *
Ly :)
Ly2 :)
* we fall into a romantic moment *
* Kisses back *
(Sorry, Princess. Stomach really hurts. High anxiety)
( It's alright )
:) Wanna just talk?
yea :)
Cool. So anything specific? :p
What do u have planned for Valentine's Day
That's the 28th?
I think so
Can I spend it with you?
Great :)
Amazing :)
Yeah, I will buy you great gifts ^_^
I'll buy you amazing gifts * Kisses you *
* Smiles *
Sorry Princess, I'm really anxious.
Idk. It just happens sometimes.
just think of me. I gtg I'll brb 2morrow Lysfm 💖
Aww. Okay, Princess.
Hiya, Princess.
Hey, Wife
How're you? ^_^
I'm doing good, but I doubt it's gonna stay that way
Aw. Why's that?
cause I know that my back is gonna start hurting sometime today
Aw :c
Ly, Princess.
Ly2, Angel
Don't think about your back rn.
* Kisses you * Hey, there's a sleep over at my friends house, do you come with me
*Laughs* Of course.
then let's get ready first
Yeah. *Goes to room*
* Goes to bathroom *
* I fix my hair and I put on some black lipstick on my lips *
* I paint my finger nails black and I put on some black eyeshadow *
*Changes into shirt jacket and jeans*
* I put on all black clothes on *
Aw. You look gorgeous.
* Kisses you * Thanks. You look sexy.
* Smiles *
*Holds hand*
* Holds your hand *
When are we going?
We are going to a sleepover at one of my friends house. It starts in 20min.
Okay ^_^
I'll drive * Kisses you and holds your hand *
*Smiles* Okay.
* Smiles and gets in the car *
*Gets in car* How many people are there?
About six or eight
Oh, okay.
* I drive us to the house and we arrive there *
*Amiles and gets out car*
* Smiles and gets out with you *
*Waits for you before going to the door*
* I hold your hand *
*Holds yours*
* we walk inside the house *
*Looks down*
* I look at you * Are you okay?
*Smiles* Yep
* Kisses you * Lets find some beer
Yay, okay.
* Smiles *
*Smiles at you*
* Smiles back *
Where's le beer then?
I think it's in the living room
Oh, okay.
* Kisses you * Ly
*Smiles* Ily2
* I hand you can of beer *
Thanks for the beer.
Your welcome * Opens beer and starts drinking it *
*Smiles and drinks*
* a kid says " everyone has to have their own room to sleep in " *
*Asks if we (me and you) can share one*
* he says " Okay " *
* Smiles * Hey, do you wanna smoke some weed with me
* Holds your hands *
*Laughs* Sure.
* Laughs and take out a big bag of weed out of my left jacket pocket *
You brought that much? x3
*Laughs* Roll some for me
* Laughs * Rolls some for me too
Ly :p
* Smokes too *
* Hugs back *
* I lean in for a kiss *
* Kisses back *
*Holds you*
* I rest my head on you *
* Smiles *
*Plays with your hair*
* Laughs *
* Smiles *
What time is it?
I don't know
*Laughs* K
* Laughs *
Ly, Princess
Ly2, Angel
What you wanna do?
you pick
Let's go see which is our room.
okay * holds your hand *
*Heads upstairs*
* Walks with you *
*Walks past rooms*
* Holds your hand *
*Holds yours*
* Smiles *
*Knocks on one of the doors*
* waits *
*Gets no answer so walks inside*
* it's empty *
*Smiles* I guess this is ours.
* Smiles * Yea
*Smiles and sits*
* Sits next to you *
*Hugs tightly*
* Hugs tightly and lays you down on the bed *
* Smiles *
* Kisses you *
* Smiles *
Can you take my shirt off
*Blushes and slowly removes it.*
* Smiles *
* Kisses *
* Smiles *
And your bra?
*Smiles and removes it*
* Smiles *
*Kisses chest*
* I giggle *
*Smiles. Kisses*
* French kisses *
* Smiles *
* Kisses your neck *
* Someone knock on our door *
*Looks at you*
* Looks at you *
*Whispers* Let's ignore them*
* Whispers * Okay
Do you think they've left?
I don't know, I'll check
Wait, put your shirt on
okay * puts on shirt *
*Stands behind you*
* I open the door and a boy says " There's more weed and beer in the living room now " *
* Smiles *
* I tell him to bring it upstairs *
*Smiles at you*
* Smiles back *
*Looks in mirror and cleans your lipstick from me*
* I lay back on the bed *
*Sits on bed*
* Smiles *
* Laughs *
*Guy comes back with the stuff*
* Smiles *
*Gets it from him and thanks him*
* Sits on the bed *
*Sits with you and puts everything on the bed*
* I pick up the weed *
*Gets can of beer*
* Does the same *
* Drinks too *
*Lies back*
* Lies back too *
* Drinks too *
Ugh. I'm tired.
should we take a nap
* Holds you in my arms *
*Smiles and rests eyes*
* does the same *
*Falls asleep*
* Falls asleep with you *
*Sleeping* xp
* an hour later we wake up *
*Rubs eyes* Hey, Princess *Smiles*
* kisses you * Hey, Angel
*Sits up*
* Sits with you *
*Laughs* There's beer everywhere.
* Laughs * Yea
*Hugs* Ilysfm
* Hugs * Ilysfm2
*Grabs hairbrush*
* Smiles *
*Brushes hair*
* I lay back on the bed and starts smoking some weed *
Already? We just got up *Laughs*
* Smokes it again * Yea
*Lays back*
* Holds you in my arms *
* Smiles *
Your lipstick is all around your lips *Smiles*
* Laughs *
* Smiles *
*Rests head on you*
* I play with your hair *
*Smiles at you*
* Smiles back *
So, what d'you wanna do now?
I don't know
*Pulls tongue*
* I take your shirt off *
* Smiles *
*Removes your shirt*
* I kiss your chest *
* I giggle *
* kisses *
Sexy af
Beautiful princess.
Sexy ãf Angel
* kisses your neck *
*Moans a little*
* I keep on kissing your neck *
* Smiles *
* Holds you close to me *
*Sits up*
* Sits up to *
Princess, let's leave.
ok * stands up *
*Smiles and walks out room*
* Smiles and walks with you *
*Gets in the car*
* Gets in with you *
Drive, Princess.
Okay, Angel
* Smiles and I start driving us back home *
*Sits back*
* the car breaks down *
*Sits up and looks at you*
* I cover my face and cry *
*Holds your hand* Calm down, Princess.
* I wipe my tears away *
* Gives a small smile *
Where are we?
In the middle of nowhere
* I cry again *
*Wipes your tears* Princess don't cry.
* Holds your hand *
Don't worry.
* smiles a little * Okay
* Shivers * I'm cold
*Gets blanket from back and puts it round you*
* Covers up with you and cuddles with you * Thanks
* Smiles *
* Hugs back *
Aw, Princess.
* cuddles with you *
* I rest my head on you *
*Plays with your hair*
I guess we have to spend the night in our car * Holds your hand *
*Smiles* I guess.
* I climb into the backseats and I lay down *
*Smiles* Ly Princess.
* Smiles * Ly2, Angel
You sleeping now?
Nah. Come lay next to me
*Smiles. Climbs to back*
* Smiles *
*Lies down*
* Holds you close to me * Babe, I thin it's starting to snow outside
* think
*Hugs* We can't stay in the car
* Hugs * where are we going to go then
Idk, Princess.
* Puts the blanket over us *
* Smiles *
* Kisses back *
We gotta get out the car and find somewhere warm
I feel like I'm freezing.
* I put another blanket over you * How do you feel now
Yeah. *Gives you jacket and opens door*
* Puts it on * Thanks
*Smiles and walks outside*
* Smiles and walks with you *
*Holds your hand*
* Holds yours too *
*Shivers* Idk where we're gonna go.
* I put my jacket on you * I do
*Smiles* Let's go then.
* smiles and walks *
*Walks with you*
I see a house
*Looks at you*
* Looks at you and holds your hand *
What do we do?
Knock on the door
You. Please.
Ok * Knocks on the door *
*Stands by you*
* A teenage goth girl answer the door and she opens the door *
*Explains our situation*
* She says come in *
*Walks in*
* Walks in with you *
*In living room*
* Holds your hand * Keely, I'm cold
*Gives you jacket*
* puts it on * Thank you
* Smiles *
* the girl sits in front of us *
*Looks down*
* She says do ya'll want some beer and weed "
*Smiles* Awesome. Yes please.
* Smiles and we all start drink some beer and smoking some weed *