Anyone on


Anyone on

20 7
I had the scary it's dream
how !!!!!!!!!! the only ones that no are my mom and my boyfriend
no no no !!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭is must have read my back up journal shît
that's it I'm moving I'm finding my own apartment
ya , I'm sick of her going into my bubble in my own apartment I can leave underwhere where I want to
the world is a fûcking place where I don't want to be
ya but I don't want to be one
I would love too...... I can't move 😡😫😭😭😭😭
no I can kick her out tho bc I pay rent or I can go live with my mom in Australia
tell her to stop her shît like I'm not Evan home I'm in the U.S
no I want you to be happy
why ?what ?
I am