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i know i said that yellow was my favorite color but now i think it has to be black 🌚
my gorgeous girl, i love you
you’re so gorgeous and s exy and all mine 😮💨
i guess i should make a new bio soon, you’ve made 2 while i’ve had the same one
maybe i will tomorrow after work
baby 😔 i feel like a s hītty boyfriend but i have to go to sleep, i tried to stay up but
i’m old
goodnight, my gorgeous girl <3 i love you, sleep well
hi baby, sorry today’s been weird
and annoying
and a mess, but it’s fine
how’s your day been?
i’m sorry baby :/ i fell asleep yesterday at like 8 pm and woke up at 6 for class
i feel bad, i’m sorry
i’ve just been going through it i guess
okay i’m going to bed, i’m sorry i never asked you to be my valentine
i don’t know what’s wrong with me lately
goodnight though, i’m sorry for everything
i don’t really want to talk about it
happy valentines day though, i love you even if you don’t want to hear it
no, why would you think that?
i don’t talk to her, i haven’t talked her since the day i apologized to her
she’s left and she’s gone and i’m pretty certain she’s not coming back, so i’m not sure why she has to be brought up again
if you don’t trust me then i understand but just tell me that
“for once”
but you said unless me and blaze still talk somehow, why would i go that far? i mean, i know i haven’t been the best with not talking to her but you really think i’d secretly find a way to talk to her while dating you?
you didn’t sound rude, i just think you don’t trust me
i’m not really sure i believe that
but i know and i’m sorry, it’s not just you i don’t want to talk to about it, it’s everyone
i don’t believe that you trust me, not completely at least
and we’ll see
alright, if you say so
i have to do something early in the morning tomorrow so i have to go to sleep, i’m sorry me being a bummer ruined today but goodnight, sleep well
sorry, i went down to campus because there was a hangout event thing going on and i thought it’d be good for me
how’s your day been?
i’m sorry baby :(
i had an alright time, better than doing nothing at the house- have you gotten up to anything fun today?
oh that’s good, i’m glad you had fun
do you have any plans for tomorrow?
huh, why don’t you think you’ll end up wanting to go?
i’m not really sure of my plans yet, i might hang out with a friend but i’m not sure yet
we’ll see
huh 🌚 alright, but i am curious now
i’m too tired to convince you to tell me though
we’d maybe go see a movie i think, but now that i think about it, probably not because i just remembered i have to do homework
okay i’m sorry to do this yet again but i have to go to sleep, my eyes are closing and whatnot
so goodnight, i love you, sleep well, and i’ll try to be better tomorrow
good morning, mrs reynolds <3
i do have to do homework but hopefully it won’t be too much since i’ve been doing a little bit here and there
so you’re not allowed to kill yourself- if anything, i should be killing myself since i’m the one with the homework </3
this time i have an excuse ☝️ it’s been super windy all day and the internet and power went out because of it
almost killed myself but i pulled through
honestly you should be, i felt like a caveman
like when spongebob and patrick time traveled
i’m just keeping it real 🫡
yes but also no, i did the work i needed to but i haven’t turned it in because i have to go over it tomorrow unfortunately
yeah that’s true- what did you do today?
gotcha, i was wondering if you’d go out today
at least you got a rest kind of day before classes this week
you didn’t have any homework at all? 😟
aren’t you a lucky girl, mrs intelligent pants
i feel like i’ve been drowning in homework, there’s always something going on
do you never have assignments that you have to work on a little bit at a time? like long term projects and stuff?
your poor boy is right 😔 but i cant complain because of how dramatic i was being during my winter break
group projects 💔 hopefully you got a good group and you won’t have to do most of the work
did i though 🌚
maybe you’ll end up liking it and your group will be chill- whenever i’m in groups with friends, we never get anything done anyways 😔
also, i’m going to be nice and warn you i have to go to sleep soon
well then you’re cooked, sorry mrs intelligent pants 💔 you’ll get through it by being mrs intelligent pants
but i have work in the morning 🌚
uh huh, that won’t work on me tonight ☝️ i know what you’re doing
you should feel lucky i warned you because my eyes keep closing
i was going to sarcastically agree but that would be cruel
you know that’s not true though
i’m going to sleep now before you can accuse me of being a wife hater any more 🧏♂️
goodnight, my wife who i definitely don’t h ate, i love you and sleep well
hi, my gorgeous wife who thinks i’m the cruelest person ever
i just got home 😮💨 i hope your day’s going well so far
i don’t deserve to know how your day’s been because you made up the notion that i’m cruel and evil 🤨
maybe you’re 🫵 the cruel one
okay well if i’m cruel that means you love a cruel man, you’re basically an accomplice to my cruelty 🤨
no you can’t die because it’s not allowed
sorry, i forgot i had to read a chapter of one of my textbooks so i had to do that for a class tomorrow 🌚
and none of my textbooks can have short chapters, they’re always like 50 pages per chapter which i guess it’s normalit’s normal but
okay not sure why it typed it twice
and you’re gonna be mad at me and what i’m about to do is cruel but i have to go to sleep </3 i have to wake up extra early tomorrow because i just remembered i have to get gas before i go to class
i’m sorry 💔 goodnight my gorgeous and amazing wife, i love you and sleep well
yeah, well good morning
well it’s definitely night time for me now
how was your day?
well that’s good that it wasn’t boring- my day’s gone by super fast, so the opposite of yours
but looking back on it, it’s been a long day
just the usual, i wouldn’t say anything fun but not anything un-fun either
just a neutral day i guess, did you get up to anything fun?
oh that sounds like a good time, i’m glad you had fun
sorry sorry sorry, i’ve had two days of exams and i’m going through it