I tried to make it different from the other one. I'm not sure if you noticed but I don't like my collages to be the same!


I tried to make it different from the other one. I'm not sure if you noticed but I don't like my collages to be the same!

59 0
aww thank you❤️and you are AMAZING🌹
do you usually use any apps other than PC to make your collages?
that's awesome.I asked you 'cause there's a pc awards account and there was a category "best pc edits" and I wanted to nominate you but i didn't know whether your collages were PC only or not
aww thank you so much❤️
thank you so much for your comment😊I love your account as well. it's so unique and different
I've somehow just stumbled upon your account and am eager to see what's next.👏❤️
this is incredible
thank you so much❤️
tysm! I'm very happy right now 😊
thanks so much, I am trying to get better every day, your support means a lot to me ☺️😘
Its so unique, I love it 😍
plz follow :)
OH MY REALLY LEIGH IS DOING A BOOK, I love her six of crows series!👌🏽
And yesss, go watch it I highly recommend it.🌹
THANKS!! 👏🏻👏🏻😊
oh that sounds good
ok I'll look for it at the library
I also like Mirabella as much as the other two too. I've heard that a lot of people don't but at this point, I would be fine with any of them becoming queen because I like them all. And as for Joseph, I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't completely hate him. 😶 I guess I'm just not the biggest fan of Jules, I never really connected with her. 😂 Either way, I realllyyyy wasn't to know what happens next! That plot twist was great!