Collage by 3RunawayKidsInactive


51 1
hey 4Runaway_Kids, thanks so much for liking my collages, and following me! I'm a new picollager, so thanks for the support!! I'm glad that other people like my collage style!💖
thank u for the spam!💕🌸
How do u guys look like?
^^Yeah, but still it would look pretty suspicious of a couple unattended kids came in trying to sell a phone. Police would be called the minute we came in.
We don't and can't go to school...
I love it these weird conversations and all of your adventure story's xxxxxxxx
Wifi at hostels and places like Starbucks
That's ok, we're doing pretty well right now.
to be honest i don't actually know how I got featured?😂I read the article piccollage made saying ways you can get featured and one of those ways was using stickers.🙂So i used them!💕I'm glad you were interested,thanks!
We had money before that we brought, but get extra money from turning in bottles for 25 cents. No, being a runaway sucks, but it's better than being split.
No, we were just there, they were going to split us apart so we left.
We share Luke's phone, iPhone (5) I think. Luke and Amber knew each other before they went to the home and then I (Carla) met then at the home just as Lucas did. Umm, Luke knew Amber since she was like six, and the rest of us met in the home.
I love these