So I started watching Akuma no Riddle, and I like it so far, and it's a pretty short anime so ye! 😂💦

So this is a sort of simple edit theme, because I am getting lazy c: 💞

I have started a trend of Danganronpa with LLSIF cards, so that's c


;;clickety;; So I started watching Akuma no Riddle, and I like it so far, and it's a pretty short anime so ye! 😂💦 So this is a sort of simple edit theme, because I am getting lazy c: 💞 I have started a trend of Danganronpa with LLSIF cards, so that's c

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whoops forgot the song 👇🏼
song;; Professional Griefers, by Deadmau5 ✌🏼️
also caption stop doing this to me;; **so that's cool ✨**
This is looks p cool 🙌🏻✨💞
I had mine last week, and I was so bored I actually WANTED to go back to school. AND YOU LISTEN TO DEADMAU5!!!!!
I watched a ninety minute video with Deadmau5 (Joel Zimmerman) in it...it was worth it. 😂😂😂