Some one abuse this horse


Some one abuse this horse

14 3
your not useing corect gramer
not trying tobe mean but why 😭😭😭😭đŸ˜ĨđŸ˜Ģ😖☹ī¸đŸ˜•đŸ™đŸ˜’
who cares about grammar my mom is a language rats teacher and I use really bad grammar let them speak the way they want to speak
i was saying that i dont want someone to abuse this animal but if she didnt mean to say that sorry
I think she was saying that some one did something to it
yes that what is I'm saying
well we did not know that because the gramer was incorrect
i dont like ppl who abuse animals soooooooooo ya thats why it is inportent to use correct gramer
I love animals