Collage by -jake-_


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do u have a gf (random question)
can u not get insta so u post on piccollage instead 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
are u my friend?
nvm 😂🤦‍♀️
are you not aloud to get Instagram?
ah I got it 😂😂😂 cause like most people with insta don’t have piccollage
what’s your favorite song
no prob
yes i’am from USA
how many girls have u cheated on
what was ur first car
kk babe um thanks though
well if you weren’t dating your gf who would you date
what is your favorite YouTuber
what did you mean?
lol you wish
cool what is your favorite celebrity?
whos your favorite rap artist
or what is you fave song
would u ever date me?
same I went outside of my car and did the dance
my sis was driving rlly slow like rlly rlly
I also posted it on my ig
i have a kind of weird question
kewl have you ever gotten into a physical fight ?
is human consciousness just electrons flowing through neurons or is it something beyond the physical?
Am I stupid? lolz
do u guys think human mortality is learned or innate??
is Kari going to be on much tonight really needed to talk to her about something
hi nm u
why is that dâmn
i am 19
aww I needed to chat with her bad
oh no it’s fine I’ll talk to he when he gets off work tomorrow it’s fine
thanks I hope she won’t be mad
remix me and we can do something
ok I talked to her I’m just having a rough time with my dad and my independence
hey jake wyd
would u fxck me ?
nothing u?
nothing much. want to talk? I can make a chat page lol
and what’s your favorite thing to do?
hahahhhaha lol me to
am just chilling at my friends house
why?? and I will lol just make it a little easie
it is so bored here
I can’t we’re going to the pool
already done
what is your fave number?
can you not ask her that?her gf isn’t here don’t ask her that
she’s really sad rn
ugh nvm
gfy (that means good for you)
🙄go be a jerk somewhere else and if u have a gf,don’t be talkin to other girls,don’t even say hi,it makes a bad impression
the gir THaTs was o here only wanted friends,and I see u talking to other girls don’t even
the girl that was*
I ain’t lying mah ‘dog’
what’s 1+1??? 😂
no it’s 2 😂
do you believe in love at first sight ??? xx