my best guy friend has a crush on me and it’s obvious and i feel bad bc i don’t like him back :((( more in comments lol


my best guy friend has a crush on me and it’s obvious and i feel bad bc i don’t like him back :((( more in comments lol

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i don’t know what to do bc he and i have been doing all our psychology projects together, we don’t have anyone else to work with in psych so that’s obvious but i can’t believe i haven’t noticed bc we’ve been working together ALL YEAR
we’re also working together for the final project in my history class, we’re writing one of those choose your adventure stories about stalin’s rise to power
so i have no idea what to do about this. like he’s lowkey flirting constantly and it stresses me out but i can’t exactly stop working with him mid-project and just kinda become distant bc we see each other every day. and he’s so sweet, we’ve been friends literally since preschool
gosh darn i never thought i’d ever have to deal with something like this
Yeah, I've been in similar situations before (except I don't know anyone from as far back as preschool), and honestly the best thing to do is say you're really flattered but you're not interested, especially if he's being really forward.
People complain about being friendzoned all the time, but no one talks about how much it sucks to be the one friendzoning someone else.
theres a guy i was starting to become friends with. he was really nice but i didnt know him too too well. he ended up saying he had a crush on me. i told him im flattered but i didnt feel that way about him and that i didnt wanna date atm. for a couple weeks he seemed overly flirtatious at me but now i think hes toned it down and we r still friends
oof I hope everything works out okay fren!! I literally have no advice for you but I will think positive thoughts for you...
^^ i agree with them!!!! maybe try to ignore it for now???
also i think it’s good you haven’t noticed until now ahaha make the awkwardness a minimum
np. also today wasnt so bad so thx❤️
Agh that’s tough. Have you told him how you feel? It might hurt him, but it’s best for him to know the truth.
re:// good hahhaa
re// hahaha oml thank youuu