


3 1
10 im broke my mom has my money
we'll do you have the rest then repost but thx for telling me the truth
it's ok and this is not to make you feel you feel bad 😔 how many are true though
well then don't be so sad you actually don't have it that bad, not every one has all some ppl have none, but I think you'll be fine
they put an internet timer on my computer to avoid it... but i learned how to glitch it >:)
cool so you have all?
I am sorta in pain but life's really good how about ur guys life's
i cant repost this... 8 hate how my life is better than everyone elses on here ;-;
I said if you have at least one so repost time
and I'm in pain because I have to get braces and two-ish months, also one of my canine teeth is pushing back one of my other teeth so yeah just some pain
what the new one
can some one create a hate page for me please please I'm begging you people please