Am I Fat, Weird, And Ugly?


Am I Fat, Weird, And Ugly?

21 1
no gurl you’re so pretty
how old r u
no, u r very nice, pretty, and wierd, in a nice way
u r very funny, too
yeah your personality is funny and weird but in the absolute best easy possible
non of those
hey hey Noo Ur fine!! my brother called me a mistake lol- they are just born to be mean to you her siblings
don’t take it personal!
no your amazing ❤️🥺
OMG NO! you are georgeous girl! (btw your brothers a bully) all i see when i see you is a kind beautiful girl. you have been so sweet to like and comment on my posts and it’s so amazing to have a supporter like you. lysm! you are b e a u t i f u l girl!🤍🤍
You are beautiful just the way you are. Don’t listen to the haters. Just be yourself.
you are none of those things because you are you and is so pretty so don’t listen to what they say
are these ppl stupid ur so pretty and skinny idk u so I can't say abt the last part but these ppl already are insecure abt their self and are jealous of u
and everyone's a little weird in their own way, weird isn't a bad word
if a lot of people that have older sibling. even I have an older sibling. she likes to make fun of me and my younger sibling a lot. sometime people r mean cuz it makes them feel good. don’t take this so seriously. it will be alright
what to do is try to laugh it off. if someone says something about me, I try and laugh to try and make myself laugh so I won’t feel so bad. it works sometimes
omg. I had the same problem when I was younger. my brothers were super rude, my whole family made fun of me for doing stuff that they do, when I was in fifth grade, I was called ugly and in middle school I was treated badly for being unique and different looking (I had a lot of extra skin under my chin) so let’s just say I didn’t eat correctly after that and I regret it, you are not fat. why? haven’t even grown all the way. love yourself! ignore your family, one day, you will get to move out. in the mean time stop stressing over what people say and start living the best of your life because eventually, you won’t be able to bend down correctly or walk without help so enjoy being a kid while you are. you might think life is soo sloww but one day, you will realizethat you should’ve held onto your childhood as long as you could and not listened to the bullies. please listen to me. go have fun while you can still run and stop obsessing over what other people say. what do they know? it’s is your body and your life, no one needs to boss you around.
you* around*
none of that is true. you are so pretty. don’t listen to them
(copy and paste sorry🤣)hey I have a confession that I made on my page if you could take time to go there😅
hi I’m new to PC promise to post amazing content pls follow -sorry for copy and paste
sucks don’t listen to them Evan tho I’m a stranger just don’t listen to them and be happy if who you are. ~Rachel
if posible can you join my battle it would mean alot💕 thanks -katie
ps you are Beautiful
Girls if your still on this app read this I’ll help you with! I get called that to I don’t cry I say thx for the nice complement and they leave me alone. but they are going to do it again but that not’s ok and I know that but you will have to go bed and cry but do not do that you amazing, beautiful,and your not fat. I know that your own brother family are going to be mean but nobody is perfect then you and believe that you perfect your self and everybody is perfect for them self ok so if and I was just like you I got made fun of for the way I dress and the skin color. ignore all the rude stuff that you get called and ALWAYS LOVE YOUR SELF. go have fun in your self but just remember you pretty then way you are, ether you black, brown, white, any other color! But just remember your amazing, your pretty, and your not fat
oh and also your rubber the rude ppl are glue what ever they say to bounces off of you goes to them so you just called them self ugly, fat, and weird